Import data from BigQuery into Google Sheets, schedule automatic report refreshes and empower end-users with real-time access to trusted business reports. Use AI-SQL Copilot to craft SQL queries faster, then - generate Pivots & Charts automatically.
Connect Google Sheets to BigQuery with our one-click connector
Automatically transform raw tables into a comprehensive editable dashboard with 10+ reports
Automatically bulk upload data from Sheets into your BigQuery with 2-way sync
Import only the data you need. Keep your spreadsheets to the point. Use dynamic filters to limit any query
Schedule data updates exactly when you need them, and save on data processing. Your schedule - your rules
Track the signals you care about. Trigger email notifications to notify you when data is updated (or isn’t)
Connect your BigQuery to Sheets just once. Share data marts without sharing BigQuery
OWOX guarantees a 96% uptime percentage to customers for all paid plans
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