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Breaking Down Navigation Functions in BigQuery

In the complex world of data analysis, efficiency and precision are paramount. Google's BigQuery, the leading data warehouse solution, offers a suite of powerful navigation functions that can significantly enhance data manipulation and analysis. Navigation functions in BigQuery make it easier to handle complex analytics queries, particularly when dealing with time series or data that follows a sequence.


This guide talks about the syntax, applications, and practical examples of these functions, aiming to equip data analysts, engineers, SQL developers, and Business Intelligence professionals with the skills to optimize data analysis and reporting processes.

Understanding Navigation Functions in Google BigQuery

Navigation functions in BigQuery enable users to traverse rows within a dataset relative to the current row, making complex data analysis tasks more manageable and efficient. These functions, such as LEAD, LAG, and FIRST_VALUE, provide the ability to perform row-by-row comparisons and analyses within partitioned data. This capability significantly enhances data understanding, allowing analysts to identify trends and anomalies with precision.

Google BigQuery Navigation Functions

Google BigQuery navigation functions enable users to quickly find specific records and analyze data efficiently. Functions such as LAST_VALUE, FIRST_VALUE, and NTH_VALUE are key for extracting relevant information from your data, allowing for straightforward comparisons and analysis. With Google BigQuery’s navigation functions, analyzing extensive datasets becomes a more manageable and direct task.


The FIRST_VALUE function in SQL returns the first value in a specified dataset, based on the order defined within the OVER clause. This function includes NULL values in the calculation unless the IGNORE NULLS option is specified. If IGNORE NULLS is present, the function excludes NULL values from the calculation.

It is particularly useful for comparing other values in the dataset to the first one, such as tracking changes over time or establishing a baseline. This capability makes it valuable for analyses where the initial state is crucial for subsequent comparison or trend analysis.


FIRST_VALUE(expression) OVER (
 [PARTITION BY partition_expression]
 ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC|DESC]
 [ROWS|RANGE BETWEEN window_spec]
  • expression: The column or calculation you want to get the first value of.
  • PARTITION BY partition_expression: Divides the result set into partitions where FIRST_VALUE is applied independently.
  • ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC|DESC]: Determines the order of the data rows in each partition.
  • ROWS|RANGE BETWEEN window_spec: Defines the window frame to consider for the first value calculation.


Consider a dataset monthly_sales with columns sales_month and sales_amount. If you want to compare each month's sales against the first month's sales within the dataset, the FIRST_VALUE function can be utilized.

  OVER (ORDER BY month) 
  AS first_month_sales

In this example:

  • month: Column representing the month of sales.
  • sales_amount: Column representing the amount of sales.
  • FIRST_VALUE(sales_amount) OVER (ORDER BY month): Computes the sales amount for the first month in the dataset to compare with other months.


The LAG function is used in SQL to access data from a previous row in the same result set, without the need for a self-join. It's especially useful for comparing current row values with those of preceding rows.

For instance, it can track changes or growth, such as month-to-month sales differences. Benefits include its efficiency in performing sequential data analysis, enabling trend observation over periods, and simplifying calculations that depend on previous row values.

LAG Syntax:

LAG(expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([partition_by_clause] order_by_clause)
  • expression: The column or calculation from which you want to retrieve a previous value.
  • offset: The number of rows back from the current row from which to retrieve the value. If not specified, the default is 1.
  • default: An optional value returned if the LAG function attempts to go beyond the first row. If not specified, NULL is returned.
  • partition_by_clause: This optional clause divides the result set into partitions where the LAG function is applied independently.
  • order_by_clause: Determines the order of the rows in each partition or the entire result set if no partition is specified.

LAG Example:

Suppose, you want to compare the current month's sales data with the previous month’s sales data from a monthly_sales table that tracks sales amounts for each month to assess growth or decline.

Your SQL query will look like the following:

SELECT month,
       LAG(sales_amount, 1) OVER (ORDER BY month) 
          AS previous_month_sales
FROM monthly_sales
ORDER BY month;

In this example:

  • month: This is the column from the monthly_sales table that contains the month for each sales record.
  • sales_amount: This is the column from the monthly_sales table that contains the sales amount for each month.
  • LAG(sales_amount, 1): This is the LAG function. It retrieves the value of the sales_amount column from the previous row within the partition.
  • OVER (ORDER BY month): This is the window specification clause. It specifies the window over which the LAG function operates. In this case, it orders the rows by the sales_month column.
  • AS previous_month_sales: This assigns a name previous_month_sales to the result of the LAG function, which represents the sales amount from the previous month.
  • FROM monthly_sales;: This specifies the table monthly_sales from which the data is being selected.

💡 Manipulate your date data effortlessly with BigQuery's robust date functions! Our guide covers essential functions like DATE_ADD, DATE_SUB, DATE_DIFF, and more. Learn more about date manipulations with BigQuery Date Functions.


The LAST_VALUE function in SQL is used to return the last value in an ordered set of values from a window partition. This function is useful in scenarios where you need to compare current row values to the last value in a sequence, such as tracking the most recent transaction or the last recorded status in a time series.

Benefits of using LAST_VALUE include its ability to provide insights into trends, perform backward-looking analyses within a dataset, and aid in data normalization efforts by filling forward missing values.


LAST_VALUE(value_expression) OVER (
   [PARTITION BY partition_expression, ...]
   ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC|DESC]
   [ROWS BETWEEN window_start AND window_end]
  • PARTITION BY partition_expression: Divides the result set into partitions where LAST_VALUE is applied independently. This is optional.
  • ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC|DESC]: Determines the order of the data points within each partition.
  • ROWS BETWEEN window_start AND window_end: Defines the window frame to consider for each row. This is optional.


Suppose you want to find the most recent sales amount for each salesperson up to the current row from a table sales with columns date, salesperson_id, and sales_amount.

You can use the following query:

SELECT salesperson_id,
       LAST_VALUE(sales_amount) OVER (
           PARTITION BY salesperson_id
           ORDER BY date ASC ROWS BETWEEN 
       ) AS most_recent_sales_amount
FROM table_sales;

In this example:

  • salesperson_id: This is the column from the sales table that contains the salesperson's ID.
  • date: This column from the sales table contains the date of each sales record.
  • sales_amount: This column from the sales table contains the amount of each sale.
  • LAST_VALUE(sales_amount): This is the LAST_VALUE function. It retrieves the last value of the sales_amount column within the specified window.
  • OVER (...): This is the window specification clause. It defines the window over which the analytical function operates. Inside the parentheses:
  • PARTITION BY salesperson_id: This part divides the data into partitions based on the salesperson_id. Each partition represents data for a specific salesperson.
  • ORDER BY date: This part orders the rows within each partition by the date column.
  • ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING : This part specifies the frame or range of rows within the partition the function operates. In this case, it includes all rows from the beginning of the partition up to the current row.
  • AS most_recent_sales_amount: This assigns a name most_recent_sales_amount to the result of the LAST_VALUE function, which represents the most recent sales amount for each salesperson.
  • FROM table_sales;: This specifies the table sales from which the data is being selected.


The LEAD function in SQL is designed to access data from a following row in the same result set without requiring complex join operations. It's invaluable for anticipating future values based on current row data, such as forecasting next month's sales or understanding upcoming trends.

Using LEAD streamlines forward-looking analyses, facilitates comparisons between sequential data points, and aids in predicting outcomes based on existing patterns.

LEAD Syntax:

LEAD(expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([partition_by_clause] order_by_clause)
  • expression: The column or expression from which the next value is retrieved.
  • offset: Specifies how many rows forward to look from the current row to retrieve the value. The default is 1 if not specified.
  • default: An optional parameter that provides a default value when the LEAD function tries to access beyond the last row. If omitted, NULL is returned.
  • partition_by_clause: Optional. Divides the result set into partitions to apply the LEAD function independently within each partition.
  • order_by_clause: Essential for determining the sequence of rows in each partition or across the entire result set for the function to work correctly.

LEAD Example:

In a scenario where a monthly_sales table exists, and you want to forecast sales for the upcoming month based on current data, the LEAD function can be employed.

Your syntax will look like the following:

SELECT month,
       LEAD(sales_amount, 1) 
       OVER (ORDER BY month) 
       AS next_month_sales
FROM monthly_sales;

In this example:

  • month: This is the column from the monthly_sales table that contains the month for each sales record.
  • sales_amount: This is the column from the monthly_sales table that contains the sales amount for each month.
  • LEAD(sales_amount, 1): This is the LEAD function. It retrieves the value of the sales_amount column from the next row within the partition.
  • OVER (ORDER BY month): This is the window specification clause. It specifies the window over which the LEAD function operates. In this case, it orders the rows by the sales_month column.
  • AS next_month_sales: This assigns a name next_month_sales to the result of the LEAD function, which represents the sales amount from the next month.
  • FROM monthly_sales;: This specifies the table monthly_sales from which the data is being selected.


The NTH_VALUE function in SQL is a window function that retrieves the value of a specified column from the N-th row in the dataset, relative to the current row within the specified window. This function is particularly useful for analysis that requires a specific point of reference within a dataset, such as comparing current performance against a milestone month or understanding the value at a particular position in a sequence.

The benefits of using NTH_VALUE include its ability to provide context to data analysis, support complex comparisons without the need for cumbersome subqueries, and enhance readability and efficiency in data processing tasks.


NTH_VALUE(expression, n) OVER ([partition_by_clause] order_by_clause)
  • expression: The column or expression from which to retrieve the value.
  • n: The row number from which to retrieve the value, based on the ordering specified.
  • partition_by_clause: Optional. Divides the data into subsets or partitions that the function will be applied to independently.
  • order_by_clause: Specifies the order in which the rows are considered, which is critical for determining the N-th value accurately.

NTH_VALUE Example:

Suppose you are analyzing a monthly_sales table to pinpoint the sales amount for the third month; utilizing the NTH_VALUE function can efficiently achieve this objective.

Your syntax will look like this:

SELECT month,
       NTH_VALUE(sales_amount, 3) 
       OVER (ORDER BY month) 
       AS third_month_sales
FROM monthly_sales;

Here is another way to perform the same analysis with the Window (w1) clause. The WINDOW clause (w1) here defines how data should be arranged and considered for the NTH_VALUE function. By specifying that the window should order the data by month in ascending order and include all rows in the dataset, the function can accurately pull the sales amount from the third month in the sequence.

Your syntax will look like this with the WINDOW clause:

  NTH_VALUE(sales_amount, 3) 
     OVER w1 AS third_month_sales
  w1 AS (

In this example:

  • sales_month: This column is selected directly from the monthly_sales table. It likely represents the month in which sales were recorded.
  • sales_amount: This column, also from monthly_sales, likely represents the amount of sales in a given month.
  • NTH_VALUE: This is a window function that returns the value of the column (in this case, sales_amount) from the N-th row of the ordered partition. Here, N is 3, so it retrieves the value from the third row.
  • OVER (ORDER BY sales_month): This defines the window over which the NTH_VALUE function operates. The data is ordered by sales_month, meaning that the function will consider rows based on the chronological order of months.
  • WINDOW clause (w1): Defines a window named w1 used by the NTH_VALUE function. Orders the rows by the month column in ascending order and specifies that all rows from the beginning to the end of the dataset should be considered (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING). This means every instance of the window function has access to all rows in the set for its calculations.
  • AS third_month_sales: This renames the output of the NTH_VALUE function to third_month_sales for easier reference in the results.
  • FROM monthly_sales: This specifies the table from which to retrieve the data. The table is assumed to contain records of sales data categorized by months.


PERCENTILE_CONT is a window function in SQL that calculates the continuous percentile for a set of values. It allows you to find the value at a given percentile in a distribution. PERCENTILE_CONT is especially useful for statistical analyses within a dataset, such as determining the median, quartiles, or any specific percentile.

This function interpolates between values for a more precise percentile calculation when the desired percentile lies between two data points. Benefits include the ability to perform sophisticated statistical analyses directly within SQL queries, providing insights into data distribution, trends, and outliers.


PERCENTILE_CONT(value, fraction) OVER ([partition_by_clause])
  • fraction: A decimal value between 0 and 1 specifying the percentile to compute.
  • PERCENTILE_CONT(value, fraction): This function calculates the percentile for a given fraction (a decimal number between 0 and 1, where 0.5 represents the 50th percentile, etc.) of the specified value column.
  • OVER ([partition_by_clause]): The OVER clause specifies how to partition the data into subsets over which the percentile calculation is performed. If a PARTITION BY is included in the clause, the dataset is divided into parts based on one or more columns, and the percentile is calculated within each partition separately. If this clause is omitted or empty, the function treats all rows as part of a single group.


Calculating the median sales amount from a monthly_sales table can be straightforwardly achieved with the PERCENTILE_CONT function:

     OVER() AS min_sales,
  PERCENTILE_CONT(sales_amount, 0.5) OVER() 
     AS median_sales,
     OVER() AS max_sales
FROM monthly_sales;

In this example:

  • PERCENTILE_CONT: This inverse distribution function computes a percentile based on a continuous distribution of values in a group. It's used here to calculate the median.
  • 0.5: This argument specifies the 50th percentile, essentially the median. It divides the data into two equal halves.
  • OVER: This clause defines the window over which the aggregate function operates. In this case, an empty OVER () clause means the function considers all rows of the result set as a single partition. Thus, the median is calculated over all sales amounts in the monthly_sales table.
  • AS median_sales: This renames the result of the PERCENTILE_CONT function to median_sales for easier reference in the results.
  • FROM monthly_sales: Specify the table from which data is retrieved.


The PERCENTILE_DISC function in BigQuery is used to compute discrete percentiles of a dataset. It returns the value from the dataset that corresponds to a specific percentile rank.

The function sorts the dataset in ascending order.

This function is instrumental in competition ranking, sales leaderboards, or any time you need to understand positioning within ordered data. It highlights performance hierarchies, enables gap analysis, and facilitates detailed comparative analysis across data segments.


PERCENTILE_DISC(value, fraction) OVER ([partition_by_clause])
PERCENTILE_DISC(fraction) OVER (PARTITION BY column_name ORDER BY value)

Syntax 1

  • value: This is the column based on which the percentile is calculated. It represents the dataset from which the discrete percentile value will be selected.
  • fraction: This is a numeric value between 0 and 1 that specifies the percentile to calculate. For example, 0.5 represents the median (50th percentile).
  • OVER ([partition_by_clause]): This clause defines the window or subset of data over which the percentile calculation is performed:
  • [partition_by_clause] (optional): You can partition the data into subsets, and the percentile calculation is applied separately to each subset. If not specified, the function treats all rows as part of a single group.

Syntax 2

  • fraction: As before, this specifies the percentile to calculate, with the same meaning.
  • PARTITION BY column_name: This part of the clause divides the dataset into partitions based on the column_name. Each partition is treated as a separate group for the calculation of percentiles.
  • ORDER BY value: This specifies the column according to which the values in each partition are ordered for the purpose of percentile calculation. The percentile is determined based on this ordered list.


Suppose you want to rank salespersons in a monthly_sales table by their sales amounts.

You can use the following syntax:

  PERCENTILE_DISC(sales_amount, 0.5) OVER() 
    AS median_sales_amount,
  PERCENTILE_DISC(sales_amount, 0.75) OVER() 
    AS percentile_75_sales_amount

In this example:

  • salesperson_id: This column likely contains identifiers for each salesperson. It is used to show which salesperson each record pertains to.
  • sales_amount: This column represents the amount of sales made by each salesperson.
  • PERCENTILE_DISC(sales_amount, 0.5) OVER() AS median_sales_amount: This function calculates the discrete median (50th percentile) of sales_amount across all rows returned by the query. The OVER() clause without any partitioning or ordering indicates that the calculation considers all rows as a single group. The result is aliased as median_sales_amount.
  • PERCENTILE_DISC(sales_amount, 0.75) OVER() AS percentile_75_sales_amount: Similarly, this function calculates the 75th percentile using discrete values of sales_amount for the entire dataset. It also uses an OVER() clause without specific partitions or order, and the result is aliased as percentile_75_sales_amount.
  • PERCENTILE_DISC Function: This is a window function used to calculate specific percentiles within a distribution of data in a discrete manner (i.e., selecting the closest value in the data set as the percentile). In this query, it's used to compute both the median and the 75th percentile sales amounts.

💡 Seamlessly convert between data types with BigQuery's powerful conversion functions! Our guide covers essential functions like CAST, FORMAT, and more. Learn more with BigQuery Conversion Functions.

Best Practices for Using Navigation Functions in BigQuery

To get the most out of BigQuery's navigation functions, focus on making your work both clear and efficient. Start by filtering your data effectively to speed up your functions. Make sure to use clear aliasing and naming conventions, so others can easily understand the purpose of your queries.

Efficient Data Filtering for Optimal Function Performance

Efficient data filtering is crucial for optimizing the performance of navigation functions in BigQuery. By implementing filters using WHERE clauses before employing functions like LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE, and LAST_VALUE, you significantly reduce the dataset these functions need to interact with.

This approach not only accelerates query execution times but also cuts down on the resources used, leading to lower operational costs. Effective data filtering is a key step in refining data analysis processes, enabling faster insights and more productive use of BigQuery's capabilities.

Clarifying Intent with Explicit Aliasing and Naming Conventions

Using clear aliases and descriptive names in your SQL queries is crucial, especially when using navigation functions in BigQuery. When you give clear names to the results from functions like LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE, and LAST_VALUE and label your window specifications descriptively, it makes your code easier to read and maintain.

This clarity helps others understand the purpose and structure of your queries quickly. Moreover, it simplifies making changes and finding solutions to issues in the future. Adopting this method is a key step in crafting well-organized and easy-to-understand data analysis queries.

Navigating Syntax and Functionality with Official Documentation

To master navigation functions like LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE, and LAST_VALUE in BigQuery, it's essential to refer to the official documentation. This resource is crucial for avoiding syntax errors and misunderstandings about what these functions can do.

Always check the documentation before and while developing your queries to ensure you're using the syntax correctly and making the most of the functions for your specific needs. This habit makes query development smoother and enhances your analytical skills, allowing you to perform more complex data analyses and reports more efficiently.

Simplifying Queries by Avoiding Unnecessary Self Joins

Simplifying queries by avoiding unnecessary self-joins is a strategic approach in data analysis, particularly with BigQuery. Navigation functions like LAG() and LEAD() present a more streamlined method for row comparisons within the same table, bypassing the complexity and resource demands of self-joins.

This technique accelerates query performance through reduced data shuffling and leverages BigQuery’s efficient processing of window functions, leading to quicker insights and a smoother analytical workflow.

Enhance Your Skills with These BigQuery Functions

BigQuery provides a wide array of functions that can significantly improve your ability to handle date and time data. By mastering these functions, you can optimize your data processing and streamline your workflows.

  • Timestamp Functions: Perform precise operations on timestamp data using functions such as TIMESTAMP_ADD and TIMESTAMP_SUB.
  • Datetime Functions: Handle and manipulate datetime data accurately using functions like DATETIME_ADD and DATETIME_SUB.
  • Conditional Expressions: Apply conditional logic to your queries using functions like IF, CASE, and COALESCE.
  • Aggregate Functions: Perform operations across multiple rows of date and timestamp data with functions like MIN, MAX, and AVG.
  • DML (Data Manipulation Language): Modify your data directly within BigQuery using functions like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

Troubleshooting Common Challenges with BigQuery Navigation Functions

Despite their power, navigation functions can present challenges, such as argument type mismatches, incorrect offset values in LAG and LEAD, window frame clause syntax errors, and handling NULL values. Addressing these challenges involves a combination of thorough testing, documentation consultation, and adopting best practices in query design.

Handling Argument Type Mismatches

The "Argument type mismatch" error occurs in SQL when the data type of argument provided to a function does not match the function's expected data type. If a function expects a numeric type but receives a string or date, SQL cannot perform the requested operation and throws this error.

⚠️ Error: "Argument type mismatch"

✅ Solution: Keep the following things in check to avoid such error type.

  • Verify Data Types: Check the expected data types for your function. Ensure that the arguments passed match these expectations. For numerical operations, ensure all arguments are of numeric types.
  • Use Casting: If you need to use a specific type of argument with a function that expects a different type, use casting functions like CAST() or CONVERT() to explicitly change the argument's data type.
  • Consistent Data Types in Calculations: When performing operations involving multiple columns or expressions, ensure they are of compatible types to prevent mismatches.
  • Consult Documentation: When in doubt, refer to the SQL function's documentation for details on expected argument types and usage examples.


SELECT month,                  
   (sales_amount - LAG(sales_amount, 1) OVER (ORDER BY month)) /
   LAG(sales_amount, 1) OVER (ORDER BY month) AS sales_increase_percentage
  • month: This column, selected from the monthly_sales table, identifies the month of the sales data.
  • sales_amount: This column from the monthly_sales table shows the sales amount for each corresponding month.
  • LAG(sales_amount, 1): This function retrieves the sales amount from the previous row (one month earlier) within the ordered list of months from the monthly_sales table. The 1 specifies the number of rows back from the current row.
  • OVER (ORDER BY month): This clause dictates how the rows are ordered when applying the LAG function, ensuring chronological order based on the sales_month.
  • (sales_amount - LAG(sales_amount, 1)) / LAG(sales_amount, 1): This expression calculates the difference between the current month’s sales and the previous month's sales, then divides that difference by the previous month's sales to derive the percentage change.
  • AS sales_increase_percentage: This renames the calculated result to sales_increase_percentage for clarity in the resulting dataset.


SELECT month,
       CAST(sales_amount AS FLOAT64) as sales_amount,
       (CAST(sales_amount AS FLOAT64) - 
       LAG(CAST(sales_amount AS FLOAT64), 1) 
       OVER (ORDER BY month)) / 
       LAG(CAST(sales_amount AS FLOAT64), 1) 
       OVER (ORDER BY month) 
          AS sales_increase_percentage
FROM monthly_sales;

In this example:

  • month: Column selected.
  • CAST(sales_amount AS FLOAT64) AS sales_amount: Cast sales_amount to FLOAT64 to ensure division works properly.
  • (CAST(sales_amount AS FLOAT64) - LAG(CAST(sales_amount AS FLOAT64), 1) OVER (ORDER BY month)): Calculate the difference between the current month's and previous month's sales amounts. This uses the LAG function to get the sales amount from the previous row, ordered by month.
  • LAG(CAST(sales_amount AS FLOAT64), 1) OVER (ORDER BY month): Get the sales amount from the previous row, ordered by month.
  • sales_increase_percentage: Calculate the percentage increase in sales compared to the previous month.
  • FROM monthly_sales: Specify the table from which data is retrieved.

Correcting Offset Values in LAG and LEAD Functions

Navigating data precisely is crucial in SQL, especially when using functions like LAG and LEAD that rely on specific offsets to fetch data from preceding or following rows. Errors arise, however, when these offsets aren't correctly specified.

⚠️ Error: "Offset must be a non-negative integer"

✅ Solution: Ensure the offset value in LAG and LEAD functions is always a non-negative integer. This corrects issues where an invalid offset might halt query execution. Adjust any negative or non-integer offsets to fit this requirement.

Syntax For LAG:

LAG(expression, offset [, default]) OVER ([partition_by_clause] ORDER BY expression)
  • expression: The column or value from which to retrieve the previous value.
  • offset: The number of rows before the current row to look for the value. Must be a non-negative integer.
  • default: Optional. The value to return if the offset goes beyond the data range. If omitted, NULL is returned.
  • partition_by_clause and ORDER BY expression: Define the window over which the function operates.

Example with LAG:Suppose you want to compare this month's sales to the previous month's sales in a monthly_sales table.Your syntax will look like the following:

SELECT month,
       LAG(sales_amount, 1, 0) 
          OVER (ORDER BY month) 
          AS previous_month_sales
FROM monthly_sales;

In this example:

  • month, sales_amount: Columns selected.
  • LAG(sales_amount, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY month) AS previous_month_sales: This function (LAG) retrieves the value of sales_amount from the previous row (ordered by month). The 1 indicates the offset (previous row), and 0 is the default value in case there is no previous row (for the first row).
  • FROM monthly_sales: Specify the table from which data is retrieved.

Syntax for LEAD:

LEAD(expression, offset [, default]) OVER ([partition_by_clause] ORDER BY expression)

Similar to LAG, but offset indicates the number of rows after the current row from which to fetch the value.

Example with LEAD:

Suppose you want to forecast next month's sales figures.

Your syntax will look like the following:

SELECT month,
       LEAD(sales_amount, 1, 0) 
           OVER (ORDER BY month) 
           AS next_month_sales
FROM monthly_sales;

In this example:

  • month, sales_amount: Columns selected.
  • LEAD(sales_amount, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY month) AS next_month_sales: This function (LEAD) retrieves the value of sales_amount from the next row (ordered by month). The 1 indicates the offset (next row), and 0 is the default value if there is no next row (for the last row).
  • FROM monthly_sales: Specify the table from which data is retrieved.

By correctly setting the offset as a non-negative integer, both LAG and LEAD functions can seamlessly provide insights into past and future data trends, crucial for effective data analysis and reporting.

Fixing Window Frame Clause Syntax Errors

Understanding how to specify window frames correctly is essential to utilize the full power of SQL window functions without encountering syntax errors. Missteps in defining the frame can trigger errors like the following.

⚠️ Error: "Window frame clause syntax error"

✅ Solution: Carefully review and adjust the OVER clause to ensure it aligns with the correct syntax for window functions, as outlined in the BigQuery SQL documentation. This involves using proper keywords and structuring the clause to define the window over which the function should operate.


 [PARTITION BY partition_expression]
 ORDER BY order_expression
  • FUNCTION_NAME(): The window function you are applying (e.g., ROW_NUMBER, SUM, AVG).
  • PARTITION BY partition_expression: Optional. Groups rows into partitions to apply the function independently.
  • ORDER BY order_expression: Specifies the order of rows in each partition.
  • frame_clause: Optional. Defines the subset of rows in a partition to consider (e.g., ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING).

Example:To illustrate, let's calculate a moving sales average in a monthly_sales dataset, considering only the current month, the month before, and the month after.Your syntax would look like this:

SELECT month,
       AVG(sales_amount) OVER (
         ORDER BY month
         AND 1 FOLLOWING
       ) AS moving_avg_sales
FROM monthly_sales;

In this example:

  • month, sales_amount: Columns selected.
  • AVG(sales_amount) OVER (ORDER BY month ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING) AS moving_avg_sales: This calculates the moving average of sales_amount over a window that includes the current row and the rows immediately preceding and following it, ordered by month.
  • FROM monthly_sales: Specify the table from which data is retrieved.

Addressing NULL Values in Non-Nullable Columns

When working with databases, you might encounter a situation where NULL values appear in columns you've designated non-nullable. This mismatch can cause errors that disrupt your data processing and reporting routines.

The following error typically occurs when attempting to insert or update records in a database without specifying a value for a column that does not accept NULLs. The database system flags this as an attempt to violate the table's integrity constraints.

⚠️Error: "NULL value in column ‘column_name’ violates not-null constraint"

✅Solution: In BigQuery, unlike in other databases such as PostgreSQL or Oracle, the LAG function does not directly support the IGNORE NULLS keyword. However, you can manage NULL values in BigQuery using alternative methods before applying the LAG function. For instance, functions like IFNULL or COALESCE can be utilized to substitute NULL values with specified alternatives, ensuring smooth operation of the LAG function.

  • Use Default Values: Define default values for columns to prevent NULL values if no other value is specified.
  • Data Validation: Implement data validation before database operations to ensure that NULL values are replaced or transformed as necessary.
  • SQL Function Settings: Adjust SQL function settings to ignore NULL values by using functions like IFNULL or COALESCE, depending on the context, before applying functions such as LAG. This allows you to effectively manage how NULL values are treated in your calculations.


LAG(IFNULL(column_name, replacement_value), offset) OVER (ORDER BY sort_column)
  • IFNULL(column_name, replacement_value): This part replaces any NULL values in column_name with replacement_value before the LAG function is applied. Choose an appropriate replacement_value that makes sense for your specific dataset and analysis needs.
  • offset: This is the number of rows back from the current row from which to fetch the value.
  • ORDER BY sort_column: This orders the rows in the window over which the LAG function is calculated.

Example:Consider a sales data table, monthly_sales, with columns for sales_month and sales_amount. Suppose you want to calculate the sales amount from the previous month, but need to ignore any months where sales data is missing.Your syntax would look like the following:

     OVER (ORDER BY month) 
     AS previous_month_sales,
     OVER (ORDER BY month), 0) 
     AS previous_non_null_value

In this example:

  • month: Likely a column containing the month identifier or name, used to show the month for each row.
  • sales_amount: A column holding the amount of sales for each respective month.
  • LAG(sales_amount,1) OVER (ORDER BY month) AS previous_month_sales: This function retrieves the sales amount from the previous row (offset of 1), based on the order of months. The result is aliased as previous_month_sales. This shows the sales amount from the month immediately preceding the current one.
  • COALESCE(LAG(sales_amount) OVER (ORDER BY month), 0) AS previous_non_null_value: The LAG function here also retrieves the previous sales amount, but COALESCE is used to replace any NULL result with 0. The result is aliased as previous_non_null_value. This ensures that if there were no sales in the previous month, it would return 0 instead of NULL.
  • FROM owox-analytics.dataset.monthly_sales: This specifies that the data comes from the monthly_sales table within the owox-analytics.dataset.
  • OVER (ORDER BY month): This clause is part of the window functions (LAG). It defines how the data is partitioned and ordered within each partition. In this case, it orders the rows by the month column, which is necessary for the LAG function to determine which row is "previous".

This approach ensures that your analysis of sales trends is not interrupted by months with no recorded sales, offering a clearer and more accurate view of performance over time.

Ensuring Percentile Values Are Within Valid Range

When working with percentile functions in SQL, such as PERCENTILE_CONT or PERCENTILE_DISC, it's crucial to specify a percentile value within the valid range of 0 to 1 (inclusive). This range represents the entire data distribution, from the lowest to the highest value. Specifying a value outside this range results in an error because it doesn't correspond to a valid position within the data distribution.

⚠️ Error: "Percentile must be between 0 and 1"

Solution: To resolve this issue, always ensure that the percentile value you use with PERCENTILE_CONT or PERCENTILE_DISC functions falls within the 0 to 1 range. If you want to calculate, for example, the 90th percentile, you should use a value of 0.9 rather than 90.


PERCENTILE_CONT(value, fraction) OVER ([partition_by_clause])
  • fraction: The percentile to compute, specified as a decimal between 0 and 1.
  • partition_by_clause: Optional. Defines partitions within the data to perform separate percentile calculations for each partition.

Example:Suppose you want to find the median sales amount in a monthly_sales table. The median corresponds to the 50th percentile, or 0.5 in the [0, 1] range:

SELECT PERCENTILE_CONT(sales_amount, 0.5) 
  OVER () AS median_sales
FROM monthly_sales;

In this example:

  • PERCENTILE_CONT(sales_amount, 0.5) OVER () AS median_sales: Calculate the median (50th percentile) of sales_amount.
  • FROM monthly_sales: Specify the table from which data is retrieved.

You can accurately perform percentile calculations on your dataset without encountering range errors by carefully ensuring that the percentile argument is within the [0, 1] range.

Matching Function Argument Types

Each argument must match the expected data type in SQL, especially when working with complex functions. You'll encounter an error if you pass an argument with a type that the function doesn't support. This is common with aggregate and window functions, where specific types are expected to perform operations correctly.

⚠️ Error: "Function does not support argument type"


  • To address this error, first, identify the expected data types for the arguments of the function you're using.
  • You may need to cast your arguments to match these expected types.
  • For instance, functions like PERCENTILE_CONT and PERCENTILE_DISC require numerical types for their percentile calculations and may not support types like strings without explicit conversion.
  • Reviewing documentation for the specific requirements of each function and adjusting your data types accordingly will resolve these issues.


PERCENTILE_CONT(value, fraction) OVER ([partition_by_clause])
  • fraction: Decimal value between 0 and 1, indicating the percentile to calculate.
  • expression: The column or expression over which to calculate the percentile, expected to be a numerical type.
  • partition_by_clause: Optional. Specifies the partitioning of the data set for separate percentile calculations.

Example:Imagine you have a customer_feedback table with a satisfaction_score column (on a scale of 1-10) and you want to find the 75th percentile score to gauge overall satisfaction.Your syntax would look like this:

customer, satisfaction_score,
  PERCENTILE_CONT(satisfaction_score, 0.75) 
    OVER() AS satisfaction_75th_percentile,

In this example:

  • customer: Likely a column containing the customer identifier or name.
  • satisfaction_score: A column holding a numeric value representing the customer's satisfaction score.
  • PERCENTILE_CONT(satisfaction_score, 0.75) OVER() AS satisfaction_75th_percentile: This is the function that calculates the 75th percentile of the satisfaction_score across all the rows returned by the query. The OVER() clause indicates that this calculation does not use a partition, meaning it's computed over the entire result set. The result is aliased as satisfaction_75th_percentile.
  • FROM: This specifies the dataset and table from which the data is to be retrieved. The dataset owox-analytics.dataset contains a table named customer_feedback.

Managing No Rows at Specified Offset Issues

This error typically occurs with SQL functions like LAG, LEAD, and NTH_VALUE, which are designed to access data at a specific offset from the current row within a dataset. If the offset or the Nth value specified is greater than the number of rows in the table, these functions return a null value instead of an error message, as they cannot retrieve a row that doesn't exist.

Please also note that the NTH_VALUE function does not support default_expression, which means it cannot return a user-defined default value when the specified value is not found within the set.

⚠️ Error: "No rows at specified offset"

Solution: You have a couple of options to mitigate this issue. First, you can provide a default value for the function to return when the specified offset or Nth value is out of bounds, ensuring that your query executes smoothly even when the data set size varies. Alternatively, verify the size of your dataset to ensure it's sufficiently large for the offsets you're working with. Adjusting your query logic to account for the actual size of your dataset can also prevent this error.


LAG(expression, offset, default_value) OVER ([partition_by_clause] ORDER BY expression)
  • expression: The column or expression from which to retrieve the preceding value.
  • offset: Specifies how many rows before the current row to fetch the value from.
  • default_value: The value to return if the offset is outside the dataset bounds.
  • OVER clause: This clause defines the window (or set of rows) over which the LAG function operates. It can include both a partition_by_clause and an ORDER BY clause.
  • [partition_by_clause] (optional): This part of the OVER clause allows you to partition the data into groups or subsets over which the LAG function is applied independently. For instance, if you are analyzing sales data by department, you might partition by the department column to calculate the lag within each department separately.
  • ORDER BY expression: This specifies the order in which the rows should be considered within each partition (or across the entire data set if no partition is specified). The LAG function uses this order to determine which row is "previous" relative to the current row.

Example:Suppose you have a monthly_sales table and wish to forecast next month's sales, ensuring no error at the dataset's end.Your syntax would look like the following:

  LEAD(sales_amount, 1) OVER (ORDER BY month) 
     AS forecast_next_month_sales,
  LEAD(sales_amount, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY month) 
      AS LEAD_1,
  LAG(sales_amount, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY month) 
      AS LAG_1,
  NTH_VALUE(sales_amount, 1) OVER (ORDER BY month) 
      AS NTH_VALUE_1

In this example:

  • month, sales_amount: Columns selected.
  • LEAD(sales_amount, 1): This window function fetches the sales amount from the next row (1 row ahead of the current row).
  • OVER (ORDER BY month): Applies the function in the context of rows ordered by the month.
  • AS forecast_next_month_sales: Aliases the result as forecast_next_month_sales, providing an estimate of sales for the upcoming month based on the current row's subsequent month.
  • LEAD(sales_amount, 1, 0): If the lead row does not exist (i.e., if the current row is the last row), the function returns 0 instead of NULL.
  • AS LEAD_1: Aliases the result as LEAD_1.
  • LAG(sales_amount, 1, 0): Fetches the sales amount from the previous row (1 row behind the current row) and returns 0 if the lag row does not exist (i.e., if the current row is the first row).
  • AS LAG_1: Aliases the result as LAG_1.
  • NTH_VALUE(sales_amount, 1): Fetches the first value of sales_amount based on the order defined, which in this case, is always the sales amount of the first row in the ordered dataset.
  • AS NTH_VALUE_1: Aliases the result as NTH_VALUE_1.

Implementing these strategies allows you to use offset-based functions effectively, even when navigating the edges of your dataset, ensuring robust, error-free SQL queries.

Elevate Your Reporting Potential with OWOX BI BigQuery Reports Extension

Integrating advanced navigation and window functions in BigQuery, like LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE, and percentile calculations, significantly boosts data analysis and reporting. Utilizing these functionalities with the OWOX BI BigQuery Reports Extension can revolutionize how businesses approach data reporting and analytics.

By leveraging this powerful tool, organizations can achieve a more dynamic, detailed, and actionable understanding of their data. This extension streamlines complex data transformation tasks, making manipulating and preparing data for detailed analysis easier. Simplifying these processes allows for more sophisticated data handling and helps you get the most out of your data analysis efforts.


What is the function of LEAD in BQ?
What is the use of the lead function?
What are the key differences between PERCENTILE_CONT and PERCENTILE_DISC functions in BigQuery?
How do you use the FIRST_VALUE function in BigQuery, and what are its applications?
Can you provide an example of using the LAST_VALUE function in BigQuery?
What is the syntax for the LAG function in BigQuery, and how can it be used in data analysis?
How does the LEAD function differ from LAG in BigQuery, and in what scenarios is it most useful?

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