Choosing the Right SQL Date Type: DATE vs. DATETIME vs. TIMESTAMP

In the world of SQL, understanding the nuances between DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP is crucial for data analysts. These data types, each with unique characteristics, play a vital role in database management. Recognizing the differences helps optimize performance and ensure data accuracy.


Choosing the right date type for your SQL queries and database designs can significantly impact the efficiency of your database operations. We'll explore scenario-based recommendations to guide your selection. Whether you're working on data discovery, reporting, or application development, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

Understanding the Different SQL Date Types

Managing date and time data in SQL is essential for accurate and efficient database operations. The primary date types are DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP, each serving distinct purposes.

DATE Data Type

The DATE data type in SQL stores date values without time components. It allows you to record dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD, making it ideal for applications that only require the date without the time of day.

Syntax of DATE Data Type

The DATE data type stores date values in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

column_name DATE
  • Column_name: This is a placeholder for the actual name of the column.
  • DATE: This specifies the data type of the column. Using DATE means that this column will store date values in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Example of DATE Data Type

We will create an events table utilizing the DATE data type to store event dates.

    event_id INT64,
    event_name STRING,
    event_date DATE
DATE data type showing a date-only format without time or timezone.


  • CREATE TABLE: This command is used to create a new table in the database. The name of the table in this case is dataset might be a schema or namespace, depending on the database system.
  • event_id INT64: Defines a column named event_id that stores integers. In BigQuery, INT64 is used for large integers.
  • event_name STRING: This column stores text data. It is used for text and is flexible enough to accommodate varying lengths of event names.
  • event_date DATE: The event_date column is designated to store dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

In this example, we created an events table with a DATE data type column to store event dates. This setup ensures that date values are stored accurately and efficiently, making it easy to query and manage date-related information in your database.


The DATETIME data type in SQL stores date and time values in a single column, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS. It is essential for applications that require precise timestamps for events, allowing for accurate time-based queries and data manipulation. If no time zone is specified, then UTC is considered.

Syntax of DATETIME Data Type

The DATETIME data type allows for the specification of both the date and time components with a high degree of precision.

column_name DATETIME
  • column_name: This is the name of the column that will store combined date and time values.
  • DATETIME: The keyword used to define a column capable of storing both date and time information. The time is stored with precision up to microseconds by default.

Example of DATETIME Data Type

Let’s consider a scenario where you want to create a table to store event information, including the exact date and time each event was created, without the need for time zone information. This is a common use case for the DATETIME data type.

CREATE TABLE dataset.event_details (
    event_id INT64,
    event_name STRING,
    event_datetime DATETIME
DATETIME data type with combined date and time values, excluding timezone.


  • CREATE TABLE: This command initiates the creation of a new table within the database. The specified table name here is dataset.event_details, where dataset could represent a specific schema or namespace within the database used to group related tables.
  • event_id INT64: This column stores the identifier for each event as a 64-bit integer. Using INT64 ensures that you can accommodate a large range of unique identifiers.
  • event_name STRING: This column stores the name of the event. The STRING data type is used for text and is flexible enough to accommodate varying lengths of event names.
  • event_datetime DATETIME: This column stores the date and time of when the event was created or scheduled. It does not include time zone information, which makes DATETIME ideal for applications that operate in a single time zone or where the time zone is implicit and doesn't need to be explicitly recorded.

This example demonstrates how to define columns using the DATETIME data type in SQL. Understanding and utilizing the DATETIME data type effectively ensures accurate and detailed time-based data storage in your SQL databases.


The TIMESTAMP data type represents a specific point in time with microsecond precision, which is considered timezone-agnostic. If any timezone isn't mentioned specifically, it assumes all timestamps are in UTC. This data type does not automatically convert to local time zones upon retrieval, so any conversion to local time zones must be done explicitly in the query.

Syntax of TIMESTAMP Data Type

The syntax for defining a TIMESTAMP column in BigQuery does not require specifying the precision in fractional seconds; it always allows for microsecond precision.

  • TIMESTAMP: The keyword used to define a column that stores both date and time values with time zone conversion capabilities.

Example of TIMESTAMP Data Type

Here is an example of how to use the TIMESTAMP data type with and without fractional_seconds.

    event_id INT64,
    event_name STRING,
    event_created TIMESTAMP,
    event_updated TIMESTAMP
TIMESTAMP data type including date, time, and timezone information.


  • CREATE TABLE: This is the command used to create a new table within the database. The specified table name is The dataset may refer to a specific schema or a grouping within the database that organizes various tables.
  • event_id INT64: Defines a column event_id as a 64-bit integer, which is the primary key.
  • event_name STRING: Creates a column event_name that can store text strings.
  • event_created TIMESTAMP: This column stores the date and time values of when the event was created. The time is treated as UTC.
  • event_updated TIMESTAMP: This column similarly stores the date and time values of when the event was last updated, treated as UTC.

In this structure, both event_created and event_updated are simple TIMESTAMP fields without any explicit timezone conversion functionality, which must be managed in the query if needed.

Key Differences Between DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP

Understanding the key differences between DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP is essential for choosing the appropriate data type for your SQL database needs. By learning these differences, you can ensure optimal performance, data accuracy, and efficient database management.


The range of each data type is crucial for understanding their appropriate use cases.

  • The DATE data type can store dates from 1000-01-01 to 9999-12-31.
  • The DATETIME data type covers a broader range, storing date and time values from 1000-01-01 00:00:00 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59.
  • TIMESTAMP, however, is limited to dates from 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC to 2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTC due to its reliance on Unix time.

This range limitation is an essential consideration when choosing between these data types.

Storage and Performance

Storage requirements and performance vary among DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP data types.

  • DATE uses 3 bytes of storage, making it the most storage-efficient option when only the date is needed.
  • DATETIME requires 8 bytes, accommodating both date and time without timezone information.
  • TIMESTAMP uses 4 bytes and stores date and time with timezone conversion, making it more storage-efficient than DATETIME for time-tracked data across time zones.

Performance-wise, the choice depends on the operations: DATE is faster for date-only operations, while TIMESTAMP offers better efficiency for time zone-aware applications.

Time Zone Handling

Time zone handling is a significant differentiator among these data types.

  • The DATE data type does not handle time zones; it stores only the date.
  • DATETIME stores date and time values without any timezone conversion, meaning it stores whatever is inputted as is.
  • TIMESTAMP in BigQuery is timezone-agnostic, representing an absolute time without timezone details. If no timezone is specified, BigQuery assumes timestamps are in UTC. For timestamps with timezone data, manual adjustment to UTC is necessary, as BigQuery does not auto-convert them.

Automatic Initialization and Updating

Neither the DATE, DATETIME, nor the TIMESTAMP data types support automatic initialization or updates. When records are created or modified, the user must explicitly provide these timestamp values.

Handling of Invalid Dates

BigQuery requires that all date and time types contain valid values. Invalid dates or times submitted to any of these types will cause an error, and the operation will be rejected.

  • DATE requires valid calendar dates.
  • DATETIME requires valid date and time combinations.
  • TIMESTAMP also requires valid date and time values and performs no special handling or automatic conversions that would allow flexibility with invalid dates.

Users must ensure that all date and time inputs are valid before submission to prevent errors and maintain consistent data quality across their datasets. Using appropriate error handling and validation mechanisms in the data ingestion process can help manage these requirements effectively.

How to Choose the Right Date Type: DATE vs. DATETIME vs. TIMESTAMP

Choosing the appropriate date type for your database ensures data accuracy and efficiency. Each date type - DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP has specific use cases and characteristics that make them suitable for different scenarios.

DATE for Date Only Output

The DATE data type is ideal when you only need to store the date without any time information. It is used for scenarios where the exact time is irrelevant, such as birthdates or anniversaries.

📖 Example:

In the following example, we create a table to store employee information, including their birthdates, using the DATE data type.

CREATE TABLE dataset.employees (
    id INT64,
    name STRING,
    birthdate DATE

INSERT INTO dataset.employees (id, name, birthdate) 
VALUES (1, 'John Doe', '1980-05-15');
Use of DATE data type for outputs focused only on dates.


  • CREATE TABLE dataset.employees: Creates a new table named employees in the specified dataset.
  • id INT64: Defines a column named id with the data type INT64 (integer).
  • name STRING: Defines a column named name with the data type STRING.
  • birthdate DATE: Defines a column named birthdate with the data type DATE.
  • INSERT INTO dataset.employees: Command to insert a new row into the employees table.
  • (id, name, birthdate): Specifies the columns into which the values will be inserted.
  • VALUES (1, 'John Doe', '1980-05-15'): Provides the values to be inserted into the corresponding columns.

In this example, the birthdate is stored as a DATE, providing a clear and simple format for date-only data.

DATE When You Need Timeless Manipulation

Using the DATE data type is beneficial when you require date manipulations that do not involve time. This is useful for operations like calculating the days between two dates or adding/subtracting days to/from a date.

📖 Example:

In the following example, we demonstrate adding an interval of 10 days to an employee's birthdate.

SELECT birthdate, birthdate + 
INTERVAL 10 DAY AS ten_days_later
FROM dataset.employees;
DATE type application for operations where time is not relevant.


  • SELECT birthdate: Retrieves the birthdate column from the employees table.
  • birthdate + INTERVAL 10 DAY AS ten_days_later: Adds an interval of 10 days to the birthdate column.
  • FROM dataset.employees: Specifies the table from which to retrieve the data.

Here, we are adding 10 days to the birthdate, showcasing timeless date manipulation.

Use DATETIME for Dates Beyond 1970-2038

DATETIME is the preferred choice when working with dates that extend beyond the 1970-2038 range. Unlike TIMESTAMP, which is limited to this range, DATETIME can handle a broader range of dates, making it suitable for historical data or future planning.

📖 Example:

In the following example, we store an event date that is beyond the 1970-2038 range using the DATETIME data type.

    event_id INT64,
    event_name STRING,
    event_date DATETIME

(event_id, event_name, event_date) 
VALUES (1, 'Historic Event', '1750-01-01 00:00:00');
DATETIME data type suitable for dates outside the 1970-2038 range.


  • CREATE TABLE This command creates a new table named events.
  • event_id INT64: Defines a column named event_id with the data type INT64 (a 64-bit integer), which is standard for BigQuery instead of just INT.
  • event_name STRING: Defines a column named event_name with the data type STRING, which is used in BigQuery.
  • event_date DATETIME: Defines a column named event_date with the data type DATETIME, suitable for storing dates and times without timezone information, including dates outside the range of 1970-2038.
  • INSERT INTO This SQL command inserts a new row into the events table.
  • (event_id, event_name, event_date): Specifies the columns into which the values will be inserted.
  • VALUES (1, 'Historic Event', '1750-01-01 00:00:00'): Provides the values to be inserted into the corresponding columns. Here, the event date '1750-01-01 00:00:00' is a date far outside the typical TIMESTAMP range, showcasing DATETIME's ability to handle such historical data.

In this example, the event date is stored as a DATETIME, accommodating dates beyond the 1970-2038 range.

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Use DATETIME for Single Time Zone Applications

When your application operates within a single time zone and does not require time zone conversions, DATETIME is the appropriate data type. It stores date and time values without any time zone information, simplifying time-based operations in a single time zone context.


In the following example, we store appointment times using the DATETIME data type for a single time zone application.

CREATE TABLE dataset.appointments (
    appointment_id INT64,
    client_name STRING,
    appointment_time DATETIME

INSERT INTO dataset.appointments 
(appointment_id, client_name, appointment_time) 
VALUES (1, 'Jane Smith', '2024-06-17 14:30:00');
DATETIME data type applied for single timezone scenarios.


  • CREATE TABLE dataset.appointments: Creates a new table named appointments in the specified dataset.
  • appointment_id INT64: Defines a column named appointment_id with the data type INT64 (integer).
  • client_name STRING: Defines a column named client_name with the data type STRING.
  • appointment_time DATETIME: Defines a column named appointment_time with the data type DATETIME.
  • INSERT INTO dataset.appointments: Command to insert a new row into the appointments table.
  • (appointment_id, client_name, appointment_time): Specifies the columns into which the values will be inserted.
  • VALUES (1, 'Jane Smith', '2024-06-17 14:30:00'): Provides the values to be inserted into the corresponding columns.

In this example, the appointment time is stored as a DATETIME, ideal for applications operating within a single time zone.

TIMESTAMP for Global Data Consistency

TIMESTAMP is designed for applications that require global data consistency, as it stores date and time values in UTC and converts them to the local time zone for display when required. This ensures uniformity across different time zones, making it ideal for applications with a global user base.

📖 Example:

In the following example, we store user login times using the TIMESTAMP data type to maintain consistency across various time zones.

CREATE TABLE dataset.user_logins (
user_id INT,
login_time TIMESTAMP
INSERT INTO dataset.user_logins (user_id, login_time) 
TIMESTAMP data type ensuring consistency across different time zones.


  • CREATE TABLE dataset.user_logins: Creates a new table named user_logins.
  • user_id INT: Defines a column named user_id with the data type INT (integer).
  • login_time TIMESTAMP: Defines a column named login_time with the data type TIMESTAMP.
  • INSERT INTO dataset.user_logins: Command to insert a new row into the user_logins table.
  • (user_id, login_time): Specifies the columns into which the values will be inserted.
  • VALUES (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP): Provides the values to be inserted into the corresponding columns, with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP capturing the current date and time in UTC.

In this example, the login time is recorded in UTC, ensuring consistent time tracking for users across various time zones.

Best Practices for Using DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP Date Types

When working with DATEs in databases, using the appropriate data types is crucial to ensure data accuracy, efficiency, and proper functionality. Below are some best practices to consider when using these date types.

Storing Dates in Data Types, Not as Integers or Strings

Storing dates as integers or strings can lead to numerous issues, including difficulties in performing date calculations, increased complexity in querying, and potential inaccuracies. By using DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP data types, you leverage built-in functions that simplify date manipulations and ensure consistent data format.

These data types provide better performance and maintain data integrity, making date-related operations more efficient and reliable.

Ensuring Dates Fall Within a Valid Range

To avoid data corruption and inaccuracies, it is essential to ensure that the dates stored in your database fall within a valid range. Use constraints and validations to enforce acceptable date ranges. For instance, when using the DATE data type, ensure the dates adhere to the standard range (e.g., '1000-01-01' to '9999-12-31').

This practice helps maintain the integrity of your data and prevents erroneous entries that could affect your database's reliability and the accuracy of time-based analyses.

Addressing Common Challenges with SQL Date Types

When working with date types in SQL, several challenges can arise due to the complexity and nuances of handling dates and times. Understanding and addressing these common issues can help ensure accurate data storage, retrieval, and manipulation.

Neglecting Time Zones

Neglecting time zones can lead to inconsistencies and errors, especially in applications with a global user base. This issue arises when dates and times are stored without considering the user's time zone, leading to inaccurate or misleading data.

⚠️ Error:

Storing date and time values without time zone information can cause discrepancies in data interpretation across different regions. This can lead to confusion and incorrect data analysis.

📖 Example:

In this example, the event time is stored as a DATETIME, without any time zone information.

    event_id INT64,
    event_name STRING,
    event_time DATETIME

INSERT INTO (event_id, event_name, event_time) 
VALUES (1, 'Conference', '2024-06-17 14:30:00');
Issues caused by ignoring time zones in data handling.

✅ Solution:

Use the TIMESTAMP data type, which stores date and time values in UTC and converts them to the local time zone upon retrieval. This ensures consistency and accuracy across different geographical locations.

    event_id INT64,
    event_name STRING,
    event_time TIMESTAMP

INSERT INTO (event_id, event_name, event_time) 
VALUES (1, 'Conference', '2024-06-17 14:30:00 UTC');
Solution addressing errors from neglecting time zones in data queries.

Misunderstanding Data Type Granularity

Misunderstanding the granularity of different date types can result in inappropriate data type usage and potential data loss. Choosing the correct date type is important based on the required precision level.

⚠️ Error:

Using a less precise data type when a more granular one is needed can lead to losing important time information. This can result in inaccurate records and difficulty in performing detailed time-based queries or analyses.

📖 Example:

Here, using the DATE data type loses the time component of the log entry.

CREATE TABLE dataset.logs (
    log_id INT,
    log_date DATE
INSERT INTO dataset.logs (log_id, log_date) 
VALUES (1, '2024-06-17');
Problems arising from incorrect understanding of data type granularity.

✅ Solution:

Use the DATETIME data type for scenarios requiring both date and time information. This ensures that the date and precise time are stored, allowing for accurate timestamping and detailed time-based operations.

CREATE TABLE dataset.logs (
    log_id INT,
    log_date DATETIME
INSERT INTO dataset.logs (log_id, log_date) 
VALUES (1, '2024-06-17 14:30:00');
Correct approach to resolving granularity issues in SQL data types.

Ignoring Time Components in Date Ranges

When defining date ranges, ignoring time components can result in incorrect range queries and data retrieval. It is essential to include the time component to ensure accurate results.

⚠️ Error:

Defining date ranges without considering time can include relevant records within the desired period but outside the specified time. This oversight can lead to excessive data retrieval and potentially erroneous conclusions in time-sensitive reports or analyses.

📖 Example:

The original query lacks the time component, which can result in including relevant appointments within the specified period but outside the specified time. For example, if an appointment occurs after 14.00 on ‘2024-06-18’, it would be included.

SELECT * FROM dataset.appointments
WHERE appointment_date 
BETWEEN '2024-06-18' AND '2024-06-18';

✅ Solution:

To ensure comprehensive results, include the time component in the date range. This practice guarantees that all relevant records within the specified period are accurately retrieved.

Here’s the revised query:

FROM dataset.appointments
WHERE appointment_date 
BETWEEN '2024-06-18 08:00:00' AND '2024-06-18 13:59:59';
Approach for handling time components in date range calculations.

Learn More About BigQuery for Powerful Data Analysis

Explore the capabilities of BigQuery by learning more about these functions for advanced data analysis and handling large datasets efficiently.

  • ARRAY Functions: Handle operations on arrays, such as element access, array construction, flattening nested arrays, and checking for element existence.
  • AGGREGATE Functions: Perform calculations on multiple values to return a single result, such as SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, and MAX for summarizing data sets.
  • Navigation Functions: Help navigate through rows in a result set, typically used for window functions like LEAD, LAG, FIRST_VALUE, and LAST_VALUE.
  • Numbering Functions: Assign unique numbers to rows within a result set, including ROW_NUMBER, RANK, and DENSE_RANK, to generate sequential or ranking numbers.
  • Conversion Functions: Convert data from one type to another, using CAST and CONVERT to transform data types (e.g., string to integer, date to string).
  • DML (Data Manipulation Language): Includes SQL commands for modifying data, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE, allowing for the addition, modification, and removal of data in tables.

Maximize Your Data Potential with OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets

In BigQuery SQL, choosing the date type — DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP is crucial for efficient database management. Each type has distinct characteristics influencing storage requirements, time zone handling, and data integrity. Data analysts can optimize their queries and ensure accurate, efficient data processing by understanding these differences.

To further enhance your data analysis capabilities, consider leveraging OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets. This powerful tool integrates seamlessly with BigQuery, providing advanced reporting and analytics features. With OWOX Reports, you can streamline your data workflows, improve decision-making, and unlock the full potential of your SQL data, ensuring you stay ahead in the competitive landscape of data-driven decision-making.


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