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How to Use LEFT, RIGHT, and MID Functions in Google Sheets

Are you looking to enhance your data manipulation skills in Google Sheets? The LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions are essential for precisely extracting segments from text strings, facilitating more effective data organization and analysis.

Whether you're isolating product codes, extracting portions of names, or handling any text-based data, these functions offer a straightforward solution.

This guide will take you step-by-step through the applications of LEFT, RIGHT, and MID, empowering you to refine your data-handling techniques. Dive into this comprehensive tutorial to learn how these functions can help you tailor your data to fit your analytical needs, making your spreadsheets more dynamic and insightful.

Key Usage of LEFT, RIGHT, and MID Functions for Text Extraction

The LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions are essential tools for text manipulation in Google Sheets, allowing for precise control over text data extraction.

1. LEFT Function:Use this function to pull characters from the start of a text string. It is especially useful for:

  • Extracting first names from full names.
  • Pulling area codes from phone numbers.
  • Retrieving leading characters from product codes.

2. RIGHT Function:This function is designed to extract characters from the end of a text string. Common applications include:

  • Isolating last names from a list of full names.
  • Extracting file extensions from filenames.
  • Pulling numeric suffixes from product identifiers.

3. MID Function:Opt for the MID function when you need to extract characters from the middle of a string. It excels in:

  • Extracting specific segments from codes or identifiers.
  • Pulling initials or parts of full names.
  • Isolating specific date components from formatted text strings.

Breaking Down LEFT, RIGHT, and MID Functions: Syntax and Examples

The LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions in Google Sheets are pivotal for text manipulation. These functions specialize in extracting specific segments from strings. Below, we provide the syntax and some straightforward examples to illustrate their practical applications.


The LEFT function in Google Sheets helps you extract characters from the start of a text string. It’s great for isolating parts of text, like first names or codes. You simply specify the text and the number of characters you want. If you don’t specify a number, it returns the first character, and if you use zero, it returns nothing.

Syntax of LEFT

The syntax of the LEFT function in Google Sheets is:

=LEFT(string, [number_of_characters])

Let’s break down what these parameters represent:

  • string: The text from which you want to extract the left portion.
  • number_of_characters: [OPTIONAL - defaults to 1] The number of characters to return from the left side of the string.

This function helps you efficiently isolate the beginning segment of text for further analysis.

Example of LEFT

Suppose you have an employee named “James Miller” in your dataset and want to extract just the first letter. For instance, to get the first letter from "James Miller," you would use the LEFT function like this:

=LEFT(B3, 1)

Formula Explanation:

  • =LEFT: The function used to extract characters from the beginning (left side) of a text string.
  • B3: The cell reference containing the text ("James Miller") from which we want to extract characters.
  • 1: Specifies the number of characters to extract from the left. In this case, it extracts only the first character.

In this example, the function looks at the full name in cell B3 and returns "J" as the result.


The RIGHT function in Google Sheets extracts a specified number of characters from the end of a text string. This function is helpful for retrieving the last few characters, making it particularly useful in data analysis when you need specific details, such as file extensions or last names.

Syntax of RIGHT

The syntax of the RIGHT function in Google Sheets is:

=RIGHT(string, [number_of_characters])

Let’s break down what these parameters represent:

  • string: The text from which you want to extract the right portion.
  • number_of_characters: [OPTIONAL - defaults to 1] The number of characters to return from the right side of the string.

This function is essential for isolating the end segment of text, facilitating more focused data analysis.

Example of RIGHT

Suppose you have the employee name "James Miller," in the dataset, and you want to extract the last name using the RIGHT function.You would set it up like this:

=RIGHT(B3, 6)

In this case, you are extracting the last 6 characters from the string.Formula Explanation:

  • =RIGHT: The function used to extract characters from the end (right side) of a text string.
  • B3: The cell reference containing the text (e.g., "James Miller") from which we want to extract characters.
  • 6: Specifies the number of characters to extract from the right. Here, it extracts the last six characters of the text in cell B3.

With this setup, the function will return "Miller" as the result.


The MID function extracts a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at a designated position. This is particularly useful when working with large datasets where only a portion of the information is needed.

Syntax of MID

The syntax of the MID function in Google Sheets is:

=MID(string, starting_at, extract_length)

Let’s break down what these parameters represent:

  • string: The text from which you want to extract a segment.
  • starting_at: The position in the string from which to begin extracting. The first character has an index of 1.
  • extract_length: The number of characters to extract from the starting position.

If the end of the string is reached before the specified number of characters is encountered, MID returns the characters from the starting position to the end of the string.

Example of MID

Suppose you have a dataset of employees and their phone numbers, and you want to extract the area codes from the phone numbers.The MID function can help you isolate the specific segment of the phone number. For instance, if you want to extract “456” from "123-456-7890," you would use the MID function as follows:

=MID(C3, 5, 3)

Formula explanation:

  • MID: The function used to extract a segment from the text string.
  • C3: The cell reference containing the phone number "123-456-7890" from which you want to extract the segment.
  • 5: This indicates the starting position in the string. The extraction begins at the 5th character, which is the first digit of the second segment.
  • 3: This specifies the number of characters to extract. Here, it means to take the next 3 characters, which correspond to "456."

With this setup, the function will return "456" as the result.

Basic Examples of Using LEFT and RIGHT Functions in Google Sheets

Discover how to skillfully manipulate and analyze text data in Google Sheets using the LEFT and RIGHT functions. These crucial text manipulation tools aid in extracting specific characters, allowing you to effectively organize and manage your data.

For this article, we will use an employee dataset from a company's sales department as our example, demonstrating how to proficiently apply each function. The database includes essential details encoded in Unicode.

Extract Category IDs from Product IDs Using the LEFT and RIGHT Function

Extracting category IDs from product codes can help organize and analyze data more effectively. Using Google Sheets' LEFT and RIGHT functions, you can easily pull category IDs from Product IDs. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it.

Example of Using LEFT Function:

Suppose you want to extract category IDs and product details from product IDs like P123-WidgetA. We can use the LEFT function to get the category ID and the RIGHT function to obtain product details, separating them from product IDs efficiently.

To extract the category ID from a product ID like P123-WidgetA, use the following formula:

=LEFT(C3, 4)

Formula Explanation:

  • LEFT: Extracts characters from the beginning (left side) of text.
  • C3: Cell with text (e.g., "P123-WidgetA").
  • 4: Number of characters to extract.

Example of Using RIGHT Function:

To obtain the product name from a product ID like P123-WidgetA, we can use the following formula.

=RIGHT(C3, 7)

Formula Explanation:

  • RIGHT: Extracts characters from the end (right side) of text.
  • C3: Cell with text (e.g., "P123-WidgetA").
  • 7: Number of characters to extract.

If there is a standardized category name, these formulas can be used to extract necessary information.

Extract the Area Code from a Phone Number with LEFT

Separating area codes in your dataset can enhance organization, especially in business reporting. The LEFT function in Google Sheets lets you extract area codes efficiently from phone numbers, which is useful for sorting or grouping contacts by location.

Suppose you have a phone number in the format "415-123-456-7890" and you want to isolate the area code. You can use the LEFT function as shown below.

Here is the formula:

=LEFT(C3, 3)

Formula Explanation:

  • LEFT: Extracts characters from the beginning (left side) of a text string.
  • C3: The column where the phone number is present.
  • 3: The number of characters to extract from the left side.

Using the LEFT function to extract area codes makes it easier to organize data and segment contacts. This method is perfect for grouping or analyzing data based on location, allowing for targeted feedback and efficient reporting in tasks such as managing customer databases or planning regional campaigns.

Advanced Techniques to Use LEFT and RIGHT Functions

Explore advanced techniques for using the LEFT and RIGHT functions in Google Sheets to achieve precise text extraction and handle data efficiently. These methods enhance your ability to manage and work with data in detail.

Extract Year from a Date Using LEFT and RIGHT

Extracting the year from dates in different formats can help in organizing data by year for quick reference. The LEFT and RIGHT functions in Google Sheets allow you to extract the year, depending on the date format used in your dataset.

Example of Using LEFT Function:

For dates in "YYYY/MM/DD" format, such as "2020/01/15", use the LEFT function to isolate the year.

Here is the formula:

=LEFT(C3, 4)

Formula Explanation:

  • LEFT: Function that extracts characters from the left side of the text.
  • C3: Reference to the cell containing the date.
  • 4: Number of characters to extract from the left (first 4 characters, which represent the year).

Example of Using RIGHT Function:

For dates in "DD/MM/YYYY" format, such as "15/01/2020", use the RIGHT function to extract the year.

Here is the formula:

=RIGHT(D3, 4)

Formula Explanation:

  • RIGHT: Function that extracts characters from the right side of the text.
  • D3: Reference to the cell containing the date.
  • 4: Number of characters to extract from the right (last 4 characters, which represent the year).

These functions make it easy to extract years from dates in various formats.

Combining LEFT, RIGHT, and MID with Other Formulas in Google Sheets

Becoming adept at using the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions in Google Sheets can significantly enhance your ability to perform dynamic data extraction, text manipulation, and custom formatting.

This guide will show you how to integrate these functions with other formulas, helping you to optimize workflows and craft powerful, bespoke solutions within your spreadsheets.

Return Substrings from Multiple Texts Using LEFT and RIGHT with ARRAYFORMULA

Combining LEFT and RIGHT with ARRAYFORMULA in Google Sheets simplifies extracting specific sections from multiple text entries across rows. This technique is invaluable for large datasets where pulling consistent text patterns quickly boosts efficiency.


Suppose you want to extract specific codes from the Employee ID column in a dataset to analyze data by category and employee segments.

To extract substrings from each cell in a range, combine LEFT with ARRAYFORMULA.


Formula Explanation:

  • C3:C7: Range with Product IDs
  • 4: Number of characters to extract (e.g., "P123")

The output for Product ID "EMP456JM" is "EMP4" when extracting the first four characters.


Using RIGHT with ARRAYFORMULA extracts the last two characters from Product IDs, helpful in identifying product series or subcategories.

Here is the formula:


Formula Explanation:

  • C3:C7: Range with Employee IDs
  • 2: Number of characters to extract (e.g., "JM" from "EMP456JM")

The output for Employee ID "EMP456JM" is "JM" when extracting the last two characters.

💡Want to take your data analysis to the next level? ARRAYFORMULA is a powerful tool that lets you perform calculations across entire ranges with ease. Check out our article for more tips and tricks to maximize your use of ARRAYFORMULA!

Find and Extract Characters using LEFT and RIGHT with FIND

Using FIND with LEFT or RIGHT in Google Sheets allows for precise extraction by locating the position of specific characters. This technique is effective for isolating segments within text entries, such as identifiers or codes, for targeted analysis.

Example of LEFT with FIND:

Suppose you want to extract codes or identifiers from the Employee ID column, which helps categorize data by item type or staff designation. To locate a character and extract the text left of that character, combine LEFT with FIND.

Here is the formula:

=LEFT(C3, FIND("-", C3)-1)

Formula Explanation:

  • C3: Refers to a cell in the Product ID column.
  • FIND("-", C3)-1: Finds the position of the hyphen (-) and subtracts 1 to return all characters to its left.

The output for Employee ID "EMP456-JM" is "EMP456" when extracting all characters before the hyphen.

Example of RIGHT with FIND:

Using FIND with RIGHT allows extraction based on characters found at the end of the string, particularly useful for identifiers or suffixes.

Here is the formula:

=RIGHT(C3, LEN(C3) - FIND("-", C3))

Formula Explanation:

  • C3: Refers to a cell in the Employee ID column.
  • LEN(C3) - FIND("-", C3): Calculates the length of characters following the hyphen.

The output for Employee ID "EMP456-JM" is "JM" when extracting characters after the hyphen.

Search and Return Substrings using LEFT and RIGHT with SEARCH

The SEARCH function in Google Sheets offers flexible, case-insensitive text extraction. When combined with LEFT and RIGHT, it simplifies extracting specific substrings from text entries, even when variations in case exist. This approach is particularly helpful for data analysis tasks involving product or employee identifiers.

Example of LEFT with SEARCH:

Suppose you want to extract portions of the Product ID or Employee ID columns to segment data by category or department. To extract text up to a specific character, combine LEFT with SEARCH.

Here is the formula:

=LEFT(C3, SEARCH("-", C3)-1)

Formula Explanation:

  • C3: Refers to a cell in the Product ID column.
  • SEARCH("-", C3)-1: Finds the position of the hyphen (-) and subtracts 1 to return characters before it.

The output for Phone Number "123-456-7890" is "123" when extracting characters before the hyphen.

Example of RIGHT with SEARCH:

To extract characters after a specific point, you can use RIGHT with SEARCH.

Here is the formula:

=RIGHT(C3, LEN(C3) - SEARCH("-", C3))

Formula Explanation:

  • C3: Refers to a cell in the Employee ID column.
  • LEN(C3) - SEARCH("-", C3): Calculates the length of characters following the hyphen.

The output for Employee ID "123-456-7890" is "456-7890" when extracting characters after the hyphen.

SEARCH is case-insensitive and can be used similarly to FIND for flexible text extractions, especially with LEFT and RIGHT functions.

💡Additionally, if you're interested in enhancing your text search capabilities, we recommend reading our article on advanced techniques with the SEARCH function in Google Sheets.

Convert Text to Numbers Using the RIGHT and VALUE Function

Combining the RIGHT and VALUE functions in Google Sheets enables you to extract numeric-like text portions from strings and convert them into true numeric values.

Example of RIGHT and VALUE:

Suppose you want to extract the year from the "Joining Date" and convert them to numeric values.

To extract the last four characters of the Joining Date to a number:


Formula Explanation:

  • C3: Refers to the Performance Code cell.
  • RIGHT(C3, 4): Extracts the last four characters from the Joining Date.
  • VALUE(...): Converts the extracted characters into a numeric value.

The output for James Miller's Joining Date "15/01/2022” is 2022 as a numeric value, allowing it to be used in calculations or further data analysis.

Extract the Last Word Using the RIGHT and SUBSTITUTE Function

Using SUBSTITUTE with RIGHT in Google Sheets allows you to isolate the last word in a sentence. This is particularly useful when extracting keywords or descriptors from longer text entries.

Example of RIGHT with SUBSTITUTE:

Suppose you want to extract the final word in each "Description" field to identify specific focus areas.

To extract the last word in a sentence, use SUBSTITUTE to replace spaces with unique characters, then apply RIGHT.

Here is the formula:

=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(C3, " ", REPT(" ", 100)), 100))

Formula Explanation:

  • C3: Refers to the cell containing the sentence.
  • SUBSTITUTE(C3, " ", REPT(" ", 100)): Replaces each space in the sentence with 100 spaces, pushing the last word to the end.
  • RIGHT(..., 100): Extracts the last 100 characters, which includes the last word.
  • TRIM(...): Removes any leading or trailing spaces, leaving only the last word as the output.

The output for "James Miller in client relations and often goes above and beyond to ensure satisfaction." in the Description column is "satisfaction.", isolating the final word in the text.

Apply SUBSTITUTE to replace spaces, and use RIGHT to isolate the last word from a sentence.

Extract Last Names Using MID and SEARCH Functions

Using the MID and SEARCH functions In Google Sheets to extract last names from full names. This approach is helpful in isolating last names in a column of full names, allowing you to work with them separately for sorting or analysis.

Suppose you want to extract last names from the "Employee Name" column.

Here is the formula to extract the last name from a full name:

=MID(B3, SEARCH(" ", B3) + 1, LEN(B3))

Formula Explanation:

  • B3: Refers to the cell containing the full name.
  • SEARCH(" ", B3) + 1: Finds the position of the first space in the name and adds 1 to start extracting from the character after the space (i.e., the start of the last name).
  • LEN(B3): Ensures the function extracts until the end of the text, capturing the entire last name.

The output for "James Miller" in the Employee Name column is "Miller", successfully isolating the last name.

Extract First Names Using MID and FIND Functions

Using the MID and FIND functions in Google Sheets to extract the first name from a full name. This approach is practical when you have a list of full names and need to isolate the first names for sorting, filtering, or personalized formatting.

Suppose you want to extract the first names from the "Employee Name" column.

Here is the formula:

=MID(B3, 1, FIND(" ", B3) - 1)

Formula Explanation:

  • B3: Refers to the cell containing the full name.
  • 1: Specifies the starting position for extraction (beginning of the string).
  • FIND(" ", B3) - 1: Finds the position of the first space in the name and subtracts 1 to capture only the characters before the space (i.e., the first name).

The output for "James Miller" in the Employee Name column is "James", successfully isolating the first name.

Troubleshooting Common Errors in LEFT, RIGHT, and MID Functions

When working with text functions like LEFT, RIGHT, and MID in Google Sheets, enhancing your data manipulation capabilities is achievable. However, encountering errors during their use is common. Understanding how to identify and resolve these issues is crucial for obtaining accurate results.


⚠️ Error: The #VALUE! error occurs when the syntax for functions like LEFT, RIGHT, and MID is incorrect. This issue can arise if the text argument is absent, the number of characters specified to extract is non-numeric, or invalid input is provided.

✅ Solution: To resolve this, confirm that your function syntax is accurate for each function. Make sure all necessary arguments are included and of the correct type. Additionally, ensure that numeric values are valid and appropriately defined for the function's context.

#NUM! Error

⚠️ Error: The #NUM! error in functions like LEFT and RIGHT usually indicates that the number of characters specified to extract is negative or exceeds the length of the text string. This error arises when the specified parameters are outside the valid range.

✅ Solution: To correct the #NUM! error, ensure that the number of characters to extract is a positive integer and does not exceed the total length of the text string. Double-check that your function's arguments are accurately entered and appropriately aligned with the function's requirements.

#REF! Error

⚠️ Error: The #REF! error in functions like LEFT and RIGHT occurs when the reference to the data source is invalid. This can happen if the cell being referenced has been deleted or if the reference is not properly set.

✅ Solution: To resolve the #REF! error, ensure that all cell references are valid and that no referenced cells have been deleted. Check your formulas to confirm that all cell references are correctly specified and accessible within the scope of your worksheet.

#ERROR! Error

⚠️ Error: The #ERROR! error in the RIGHT function typically indicates a problem with the formula's syntax or input. This can occur if there's a typographical error in the formula, if the arguments are missing or incorrectly formatted, or if incompatible data types are used.

✅ Solution: To correct the #ERROR! error, carefully review the RIGHT function's syntax to ensure it is entered correctly. Verify that the text argument is provided and that the number of characters to extract is a numeric value. Ensure all input data types are compatible and properly formatted according to the function's requirements.

#NAME? Error

⚠️ Error: The #NAME? error in functions like LEFT and RIGHT typically occurs when Google Sheets does not recognize the function name. This can happen if the function is misspelled, or if non-existent function names are used in the formula.

✅ Solution: To resolve the #NAME? error, double-check the spelling of the function name in your formula. Ensure that you are using the correct function name and that it is typed accurately. Also, verify that all necessary arguments are properly included and that there are no syntax errors in your formula.

Case-insensitivity Issues

⚠️ Error: Case-insensitivity issues can arise when using the MID function in conjunction with the FIND function to locate specific substrings in Google Sheets. If the case of the characters in the search term does not match the case in the text string, the FIND function might fail to locate the substring, leading to incorrect outcomes or errors.

Solution: To address case-insensitivity issues, ensure that the case of the characters in your search term matches the case in the text string when using the FIND function with MID. Alternatively, consider using the SEARCH function instead of FIND, as SEARCH is case-insensitive and will locate substrings regardless of character case. This adjustment can help avoid errors and ensure the accuracy of your results.

Best Practices to Follow When Using LEFT, RIGHT, and MID Functions

Adhering to best practices is crucial for improving efficiency and accuracy in data manipulation when using text functions such as LEFT, RIGHT, and MID in Google Sheets. Following these recommended approaches will help optimize your formulas, ensuring they are both effective and less prone to errors.

Combine with Other Functions for Advanced Results

Integrating LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions with additional Google Sheets functions like SEARCH, IF, CONCATENATE, or ARRAYFORMULA elevates your data handling skills. This combination enables more sophisticated text extractions, enhances readability, and facilitates deeper analysis, ultimately making your data processing tasks more efficient and effective.

Use Cell References

Using cell references instead of hard-coding string values in functions like LEFT and RIGHT enhances flexibility and simplifies updates in Google Sheets. By referencing cells, you allow your formulas to adapt automatically to changes in data, making it easier to manage information.

Double-check the Number of Characters Extracted

Always double-check the starting position and number of characters when using the LEFT and MID functions. For LEFT, ensure the character count is accurate to avoid cutting off important information. With MID, verify the starting position aligns correctly to extract the intended substring.

Adjust num_chars Parameter Based on Text Length in RIGHT

When using the RIGHT function in Google Sheets, adjust the num_chars parameter according to the text length to prevent errors. Utilize the LEN function to set num_chars, ensuring accurate dynamic extraction. This adaptability improves data integrity and enhances overall formula performance.

Essential Google Sheets Functions for Advanced Data Analysis

Learn about the full potential of Google Sheets, with key functions designed for in-depth data analysis. These powerful formulas streamline complex tasks, allowing you to manage large datasets, automate workflows, and effortlessly extract meaningful insights from your data.

  • VLOOKUP: Searches for a value in the first column of a range and returns a corresponding value from a specified column, simplifying data retrieval from large datasets.
  • UNIQUE: Removes duplicates, providing a list of distinct values for cleaner analysis and identifying unique data points.
  • PIVOT: Automatically summarizes data with pivot tables, helping you report, organize, and visualize trends effortlessly.
  • IMPORTRANGE: Imports data from external Google Sheets, consolidating multiple sources into one, streamlining your data analysis.
  • MATCH: Finds the position of a value within a range, useful for dynamic lookups when combined with other functions like INDEX.
  • COUNTA: Counts non-empty cells in a range, giving a quick overview of your dataset’s size and density.
  • HLOOKUP: Searches for a value in the first row of a range and returns a corresponding value from a specified row, enabling horizontal data lookups.
  • LOOKUP: Searches for a value in a range and returns a corresponding value from another range, useful for flexible data retrieval in various contexts.

Gain Insights with OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots Extension

OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets offers robust data analysis tools that empower users to create detailed reports, visually engaging charts, and dynamic pivot tables.

These capabilities help businesses convert raw data into practical insights. With this extension, users can tailor their reports to concentrate on the most critical metrics for their operations.

OWOX's powerful analytics features enable organizations to discern trends and patterns in their data. Its user-friendly interface allows for the easy creation of visually compelling charts and graphs, facilitating data interpretation across all team levels.


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