Automatically Generate Pivots & Charts in Google Sheets with OWOX BI

Reporting Google Sheets Tips
Pivots & Charts

Imagine having a tool that organizes any table with data and creates the best-suiting visualizations with just a few clicks…

Pivot tables and charts in Google Sheets do exactly that, transforming raw data into actionable insights. They enable you to summarize and analyze data, revealing patterns and trends dynamically. Whether you're managing a small project or handling large datasets, these tools save you time and elevate your data analysis game.

In this article, we'll explore how you can automatically generate pivot tables and charts in Google Sheets, transforming raw data into meaningful insights without manual effort. Ready to streamline your workflow? Let's dive in!

Common Challenges of Data Visualization in Spreadsheets

One of the most common challenges in data visualization within spreadsheets is the time-consuming process of configuring and tweaking charts.

Data analysts and business users often find themselves repeatedly adjusting chart settings – selecting the right type, formatting labels, adjusting colors, and ensuring accuracy to make the data visually compelling.

While necessary, this task can become a distraction, pulling focus away from more valuable activities like data analysis and decision-making. The frequency of this task, often multiple times a week, adds up, consuming time that could be better spent on strategic work.

Introduction Reports, Charts & Pivots by OWOX

Think about the time you could save if your data visualization process were fully automated, turning raw data into clear, actionable insights with minimal effort. That's exactly what OWOX offers – a solution that generates pivot tables, charts, and reports for you.

By automating these tasks, OWOX Reports allows you to shift your focus from configuring visuals to analyzing and interpreting your data, making your workflow more efficient and your insights more impactful.

One common challenge with charts in Google Sheets, whether manually or automatically built, is the need to refresh charts when new data arrives.

You can manage formulas with an ARRAYFORMULA, however, there is no ability to add dynamic ranges for charts.

These charts can sometimes lag when data updates, requiring constant vigilance to ensure accuracy. OWOX Reports handles this by keeping your reports and charts always up-to-date and accurate with every data update.

By automatically updating the data ranges on your visuals, OWOX Reports minimizes the need for constant adjustments, allowing you to maintain reliable, up-to-date insights effortlessly.

This consistency is crucial for making informed, data-backed business decisions without worrying about outdated or incorrect information.

Key Benefits of Using OWOX for Auto-Generated Visualizations

Using OWOX Reports for automated visualizations brings many benefits that can change how you manage and understand your data. By saving time, minimizing manual errors, and ensuring both accuracy and flexibility, OWOX simplifies the entire data visualization process.

Here’s a closer look at why OWOX is necessary for anyone looking to elevate their data analysis and reporting.

#1. One-Click Report Generation

OWOX BI simplifies the whole reporting process, generating a full report with just a single click. This - reduces the time and effort needed to change format tables, think of the best data visualization option and, finally, create charts.

Whether handling a weekly analysis or a more complex project, OWOX Reports makes it easy, delivering all the insights you need in seconds.

This way, you can spend less time on manual tasks and more time exploring the data, PLAYING with your data or making decisions.

#2. Compatible with Any Data in Your Sheets

OWOX BI is incredibly flexible, working seamlessly with any data you have in Google Sheets.

Whether you're dealing with sales numbers, marketing metrics, financial statements, or operational logs, OWOX handles it all for you.

This versatility makes it easy to analyze and visualize your data, helping you extract meaningful insights from different datasets, no matter how they are structured.

#3. Instant Data Schema Recognition

With OWOX BI’s instant data schema recognition, setting up data visualizations is a breeze. It quickly identifies how your data is structured and automatically sets up pivot tables and charts.

This - eliminates manual configuration, allowing you to analyze your data immediately.

#4. Automatic Detection of Suitable Tables and Charts

OWOX BI removes the guesswork from data visualization by automatically choosing the best tables and charts for your data.

Based on the type of data in the columns you have, it selects the most effective way to present your information, whether that’s a bar chart, pie chart, or pivot table. This automation simplifies the process, letting you focus on analyzing the data rather than on how to display it.

#5. Refresh-Friendly Charts and Tables

Keeping your charts and tables updated as new data comes in can be a hassle, but OWOX BI has you covered with refresh-friendly visualizations.

These automatically update whenever your data changes, ensuring that your reports always reflect the latest information without manual intervention.

This feature helps you make decisions based on current data, reducing the risk of relying on outdated insights.

#6. Minimal Setup Hassles

OWOX BI takes the pain out of setting up and tweaking charts. Much of the process, from selecting the right chart type to formatting, is automated, freeing you from the repetitive tasks that usually come with data visualization.

This reduces the chance of mistakes, ensuring that your visualizations are accurate and effective right from the start. With OWOX Reports, you don’t have to focus more on the setup.

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Pivots & Charts

How to Get Started with OWOX Reports

Getting started with OWOX BI for automated pivots and charts is straightforward and can be done in just a few steps. By integrating this powerful extension with your Google Sheets, you can unlock the full potential of automated data analysis and visualization.

In the following steps, we'll guide you through the setup process, ensuring you can easily generate dynamic reports, pivot tables, and charts.

Step 1: Install the OWOX Reports Extension

To get started, install the OWOX BI extension from the official Google Workspace Marketplace. This extension will enable automated pivot table and chart generation directly within your Google Sheets, streamlining your data analysis process.

Step 2: Prepare Your Google Sheet Document

Preparing your Google Sheet is important before using the OWOX BI extension. Select the sheet containing the data you want to visualize, and ensure it follows the guidelines mentioned in the next step.

But before setting up the OWOX extension, confirm that your Google Sheet document meets the necessary criteria.

You can utilize any data from your Google Sheets, however, your sheet should contain structured data with a proper schema, and the first row must have clear column titles.

Additionally, when generating Pivots and Charts, TEXT and DATE content types serve as dimensions, while Number content types act as metrics.

Here is the list of the supported combinations:

  • at least one number column paired with one TEXT column, or
  • at least one number column paired with one DATE column.

Step 3: Visualize Your Data

To begin visualizing your data, go to the menu and select Extensions -> OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots -> Visualize current sheet.

The tool will automatically read the data schema from your sheet.

Optionally, select the columns you want to include in the charts and specify the content type (Number, Text, Date).

Once you’ve selected, click "Generate Pivots & Charts" to create your visualizations instantly.

Step 4: Review and Customize Your Charts

After generating your visualizations, you can review and customize the charts to better suit your needs.

Each chart created with OWOX is fully customizable, giving you control over the data fields displayed.

You can use the left column next to each table to include or exclude specific fields, tailoring the charts to your needs. Below is an overview of the different chart types you can create.

Line Chart

Line charts are perfect for visualizing trends over time, allowing you to track changes in data points across a continuous timeline. You can easily adjust the fields on the chart, including the option to switch the date field if applicable.

Requirements: At least one 'Date' field and one 'Number' field.


  • You might pair Order Date with Total Sales to track sales performance over time.
  • You could use Delivery Date alongside Quantity Sold to visualize the daily items delivered.
  • Another useful combination is Sign-up Date with Customer Satisfaction Score to see how customer sentiment has evolved over different periods.

In these charts, the Date field typically goes on the X-axis, representing the timeline, while the 'Number' field is plotted on the Y-axis to show the values associated with those dates.

Bar Chart (Stacked Column Chart)

Bar charts are ideal for comparing different categories or elements, clearly visualizing how each contributes to an overall total. They are particularly effective for breaking down complex data into digestible segments, making it easy to see the relative performance of different groups. You can customize the chart by selecting the top entities or categories and highlighting the most relevant data.

Requirements: At least one 'Text' field and one 'Number' field.


  • You might pair Product Category with Total Sales to see how different categories contribute to overall revenue.
  • You could use Customer Gender with Quantity Sold to visualize sales distribution across genders.
  • Another useful combination is Region with Customer Satisfaction Score to compare satisfaction levels across different areas.
  • Pairing Payment Method with Total Sales allows you to analyze the popularity of various payment options.
  • Referral Source with Total Sales can help you identify which sources drive the most sales.

Pie Charts

Pie charts are powerful tools for illustrating the proportions and parts of a whole, making them ideal for visualizing data distribution across different categories. They allow you to see at a glance how various segments contribute to the overall picture. By customizing the number of rows displayed, pie charts can be tailored to highlight the most significant entities in your data.

Requirements: At least one 'Text' field and one 'Number' field.


  • You might pair Product Category with Total Sales to visualize the share of each product category in total revenue.
  • Customer Gender with Quantity Sold can show how different genders contribute to sales figures.
  • Combining Region with Customer Satisfaction Score lets you see which areas have the highest satisfaction levels.
  • Pairing Payment Method with Total Sales helps you understand sales distribution across different payment methods.
  • Referral Source with Total Sales can reveal which sources drive the most sales.

X-axis: Text field (label)

Y-axis: Number field (label)

Each pie chart can highlight different aspects of your data distribution. You can adjust the chart to focus on the top [10] entities, and depending on the number of Text type columns in your source data, you may generate up to three pie charts. This flexibility ensures that the most relevant parts of your data are presented.

Pivot Table

Pivot tables are essential for summarizing and analyzing large datasets. They allow you to explore data from different perspectives by organizing it into a more digestible format. They enable you to quickly identify patterns, trends, and relationships within your data, making it easier to draw meaningful insights.

Requirements: At least one 'Text' field and one 'Number' field.


  • You might use Product Category with Total Sales to see which categories generate the most revenue.
  • Region paired with Quantity Sold can help you identify which areas have the highest sales volumes.
  • Combining Sales Channels with Total Sales allows you to compare performance across different channels.
  • Customer Gender paired with Customer Satisfaction Score can show how satisfaction levels vary by gender.

    Description:A pivot table is generated by organizing your data based on granularity. The field determines the first level of granularity with the fewest unique values (greater than one), which helps group the data into meaningful categories.

    The second level of granularity uses the field with the most unique values, allowing for a more detailed breakdown within each category.

    This method ensures that your pivot table is comprehensive and easy to analyze, providing a clear view of your data.

    Step 5: Share Your Visualizations

    Once your Google Sheet is updated with the new visualizations, you can easily share your insights with your team. Simply share your google sheet directly with colleagues or stakeholders for collaborative review.

    Alternatively, you can export the charts for slides or presentations, making communicating your findings in meetings or reports simple.

    Step 6: Add more Data to Your Report

    When your source data is updated with new information, and the data schema remains the same, OWOX Reports automatically incorporates the new data into all your existing charts and pivot tables.

    No further action is required, ensuring that your visualizations stay current effortlessly.

    However, you must regenerate your charts and pivot tables if there are significant changes to your source data – such as deleting or adding columns, changing column titles, or altering the order of existing columns. To do this, navigate to ‘Extensions -> OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots -> Visualize current sheet’ and generate new visualizations to reflect the updated data structure.

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    Pivots & Charts

    Best Practices for Maintaining Visualizations with Dynamic Data In Google Sheets

    Maintaining accurate and up-to-date visualizations in Google Sheets is crucial for effective data-driven decision-making. By following best practices, you can ensure that your charts and pivot tables reflect the most current data and provide reliable insights.

    Here are some key strategies to keep your visualizations dynamic and accurate:

    Use a Data Warehouse for Corporate Data Storage & Preparation

    A centralized data warehouse is crucial in efficiently managing and storing corporate data. It offers a scalable, secure environment where data from multiple sources can be gathered, cleaned, and prepped for analysis.

    With a data warehouse, your data remains consistently structured and easily accessible, simplifying the generation of accurate reports and visualizations.

    This centralized system also enhances data governance, helping maintain data integrity across the organization. When paired with tools like Google Sheets, a data warehouse ensures your data is ready for dynamic, real-time analysis and reporting.

    Utilize BigQuery -> Sheets Integration with OWOX BI Reports Extension

    The integration between BigQuery and Google Sheets, enhanced by the OWOX BI Reports Extension, is a powerful way to streamline data analysis and reporting. BigQuery allows you to handle large datasets with ease and perform complex queries quickly. By linking BigQuery to Google Sheets through the OWOX BI extension, you can pull this data directly into your spreadsheets for further analysis and visualization.

    Take advantage of the AutoCharts feature in OWOX BI to ensure your charts automatically refresh whenever your Google Sheets data updates. This feature keeps your visualizations current, eliminating the need for manual updates and ensuring that your reports always reflect the latest information with minimal effort.

    Configure Dynamic Data Sources

    Set up your Google Sheets to use dynamic data sources that automatically refresh with new information. This configuration helps maintain the accuracy and relevance of your visualizations over time, ensuring that your charts and reports consistently reflect the most up-to-date data available.

    Ensure Data Integrity and Accuracy

    Periodically audit your data sources to verify their accuracy and timeliness. This proactive approach helps prevent errors in your visualizations, ensuring that your charts and reports are based on reliable data. By regularly checking your data, you can maintain the integrity of your insights and make more informed decisions. Accurate data forms the foundation of meaningful analysis and trustworthy reports, reducing the risk of misleading insights.

    Start Generating Pivots & Charts with OWOX Reports, Charts & Pivots

    Begin generating powerful pivots and charts using the OWOX Reports extension for Google Sheets.

    This tool simplifies the creation of dynamic visualizations, allowing you to focus on interpreting data rather than manually setting it up.

    Make Sense of Your Data

    Automatically generate Pivots & Charts in Google Sheets!

    Visualize Your Data, it's 100% Free!

    Pivots & Charts

    Whether dealing with complex datasets or managing routine reports, this extension empowers you to easily produce insightful visuals, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – making informed, data-driven decisions.


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    • What is the OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets?

      The OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets is a tool that automates the creation of reports, pivot tables, and charts directly within Google Sheets. It integrates seamlessly with your data, allowing you to quickly generate visualizations and insights without manual effort, enhancing your data analysis capabilities.

    • How do I install the OWOX BI Extension in Google Sheets?

      To install the OWOX Extension for Google Sheets, go to the Google Workspace Marketplace, search for "OWOX BI Reports Extension," and click "Install." Once installed, you can access it through the "Extensions" menu in your Google Sheets, enabling automated reporting and visualization features.

    • What are the basic requirements for setting up OWOX BI for automated reports?

      To set up OWOX BI for automated reports, ensure your Google Sheet has a clear data schema, with the first row containing column titles. The sheet should include at least one Text or Date field and one 'Number' field, which are necessary for generating pivot tables and charts.

    • Can I customize the pivot tables and charts generated by OWOX BI?

      Yes, the pivot tables and charts generated by OWOX BI are fully customizable. You can adjust the fields included, change data types, and modify chart settings to suit your specific needs. This flexibility allows you to tailor the visualizations to better reflect your data analysis goals.

    • How do I maintain updated and accurate visualizations in Google Sheets with OWOX BI?

      To maintain updated and accurate visualizations, configure OWOX BI to use dynamic data sources that refresh automatically with new data. Additionally, utilize the AutoCharts feature to ensure that your charts and pivot tables are always current, reflecting the latest information without requiring manual updates.

    • How can I save and share the reports generated by OWOX in Google Sheets?

      You can save the reports generated by OWOX BI directly within your Google Sheets. To share them, simply use Google Sheets' sharing options to grant access to your team or export the visualizations as images or PDFs for use in presentations and reports.