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Navigating Conditional Expressions in BigQuery: From Basics to Advanced Techniques

Navigating conditional expressions in BigQuery is essential for anyone working with data in modern business environments. These techniques, including CASE, IF, and COALESCE expressions, are pivotal for dynamic data management and query optimization.


By learning these expressions, data professionals can efficiently handle complex data scenarios, enhancing data analysis and performance. Understanding these tools enables data engineers, analysts, and scientists to make more informed decisions and streamline workflows in BigQuery.

Exploring these powerful expressions can transform approaches to big data management, making them indispensable in today’s data-driven landscape.

Introduction to Conditional Expressions in BigQuery

BigQuery, Google's enterprise data warehouse, is renowned for its exceptional speed and scalability, especially when managing large datasets. To fully utilize the capabilities of BigQuery, it's crucial to understand and use conditional expressions such as CASE, IF, and COALESCE.

These expressions are key to efficient data management, enabling the creation of dynamic queries and facilitating more sophisticated data manipulation strategies. Mastery of these tools allows data professionals to optimize data workflows and make more precise analytical decisions, ensuring that BigQuery’s full potential is realized in every project.

Exploring Different Conditional Expressions & Functions in BigQuery

BigQuery offers a robust set of conditional expressions and functions essential for nuanced data analysis and management. Functions like CASE, COALESCE, and IF provide powerful ways to handle variability and ensure data integrity within queries.

These expressions allow users to specify conditions and manage how data is processed and presented, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of data operations.

CASE expr

The CASE expression in BigQuery is a versatile tool, allowing conditional logic in SQL queries. This expression evaluates a series of conditions and returns a corresponding value for the first matching condition.

It is particularly useful for categorizing data, handling multiple conditions in a single query, and implementing logic that would otherwise require multiple queries or complex joins. Using CASE can significantly simplify data manipulation tasks, making data analysis workflows more efficient and readable.

Syntax of CASE expr

CASE expr
 WHEN expr_to_match THEN result
 [ ... ]
 [ ELSE else_result ]


  • CASE expr: Initiates the CASE expression.
  • WHEN expr_to_match: Specifies a condition to evaluate. If expr matches expr_to_match, this condition is true.
  • THEN result: The result or value returned if the preceding WHEN condition is true.
  • [ELSE else_result]: An optional default result returned if none of the WHEN conditions are true.
  • END: Concludes the CASE expression.

Example of CASE expr

In the following SQL query, we use a CASE expression to calculate employee bonuses based on their department. This approach allows for tailored bonus percentages, ensuring that compensation adjustments reflect department-specific policies.

  CASE department
    WHEN 'Sales' THEN salary * 0.10
    WHEN 'Engineering' THEN salary * 0.15
    WHEN 'HR' THEN salary * 0.08
    ELSE salary * 0.05
  END AS bonus
FROM employees;
A breakdown of using a CASE expression for conditional logic in BigQuery.


  • CASE department: Initiates the CASE expression. The department column is the expression being evaluated.
  • WHEN 'Sales' THEN salary * 0.10:
  • WHEN 'Sales': Specifies a condition to evaluate. If the department is 'Sales', the condition is true.
  • THEN salary * 0.10: The result returned if the preceding WHEN condition is true. In this case, it's salary * 0.10.
  • WHEN 'Engineering' THEN salary * 0.15:
  • WHEN 'Engineering': Specifies another condition. If the department is 'Engineering', this condition is true.
  • THEN salary * 0.15: The result returned if the WHEN 'Engineering' condition is true.
  • WHEN 'HR' THEN salary * 0.08:
  • WHEN 'HR': Specifies another condition. If the department is 'HR', this condition is true.
  • THEN salary * 0.08: The result returned if the WHEN 'HR' condition is true.
  • ELSE salary * 0.05: An optional default result returned if none of the WHEN conditions are true. In this case, it's salary * 0.05.
  • END: Concludes the CASE expression.

This example demonstrates how the CASE expression allows for conditional logic within a SQL query, providing different bonus percentages based on the department value. It ensures readable and flexible data transformations with a default value using ELSE.


The CASE expression in BigQuery is a versatile tool for handling conditional logic within SQL queries. This expression evaluates conditions sequentially and returns a result when a condition is met.

CASE is particularly useful for categorizing data, handling conditional outputs in a cleaner way than using nested IF statements, and simplifying complex SQL queries. Benefits include enhanced readability of queries, reduced complexity, and the ability to implement multiple conditions efficiently.

Syntax of CASE

WHEN condition THEN result
[WHEN ...]
[ELSE else_result]


  • WHEN condition: Specifies the condition to be evaluated. If this condition is true, the CASE expression will return the corresponding result.
  • THEN result: Defines the output if the associated condition is true.
  • ELSE result: Provides an alternative output if no specified conditions are met. This clause is optional but recommended for covering unexpected cases.
  • END: Marks the end of the CASE expression.

Example of CASE

In this example, we are categorizing customers into 'Premium', 'Gold', or 'Standard' based on their spending habits.

 WHEN spend > 1000 THEN 'Premium'
 WHEN spend > 500 THEN 'Gold'
 ELSE 'Standard'
 END AS customer_level
Use of the CASE statement for conditional expressions in BigQuery.


  • customer_id: Identifies the customer.
  • spend: Represents the amount a customer has spent.
  • customer_level: A new column created by the CASE expression, classifying customers based on their spending into 'Premium', 'Gold', or 'Standard'.

The above example demonstrates how the CASE expression classifies customers based on their spending habits. It simplifies understanding customer categories directly through query results, making data-driven decision-making more accessible.


The COALESCE function in BigQuery is designed to return the first non-null value in a list of arguments. It is especially useful in data transformation tasks where missing data is common, ensuring that queries return usable results instead of null values.

This function simplifies handling optional data by providing a straightforward method for substituting defaults. The primary benefits of using COALESCE include data integrity, reduced complexity in handling null values, and improved query readability.

Syntax of COALESCE

COALESCE(expression1, expression2, ..., expressionN)


  • expression1, expression2, ..., expressionN: A list of expressions evaluated in order. The function returns the first non-null expression found; if all are null, it returns null.

Example of COALESCE

In this example, we are prioritizing customer contact methods to ensure the most reliable contact information is used.

 COALESCE(status, email, 'No Contact Information') 
 AS contact_info
Showing how the COALESCE function in BigQuery can be used to handle NULL values and return defaults.


  • user_id: The unique identifier for each customer.
  • status, email: Fields checked for non-null values in order of preference.
  • contact_info: A new column generated by the COALESCE function that provides the best available contact method or a default message if no contact information is available.

This example showcases how the COALESCE function can prioritize customer contact methods, ensuring that the most reliable contact information is used. It prevents data analysis disruptions caused by null values, facilitating smoother communication strategies and data management practices.


The IF function in BigQuery is essential for incorporating conditional logic directly into SQL queries, allowing for dynamic adjustments based on specific criteria. This function evaluates a given condition and delivers one of two values: one if the condition holds true, and another if it does not.

Employing the IF function simplifies the process of creating tailored data fields, significantly improving data management and enhancing the clarity of outcomes. It's particularly effective in handling data variations and customizing outputs to meet specific operational needs.

Syntax of IF Condition

IF(expr, true_result, else_result)


  • expr: This is the condition to be evaluated. It is a boolean expression that results in either true or false.
  • true_result: This is the value or result returned if the expr evaluates to true.
  • else_result: This is the value or result returned if the expr evaluates to false.

Example of IF Condition

In this example, we use the IF function to apply a discount to orders over $100. This approach allows for conditional adjustments directly within the query, ensuring that discounts are applied only when specified conditions are met.

  IF(saleAmount > 100, saleAmount* 0.90, saleAmount) 
  AS final_amount
FROM orders;
Use of the IF function in BigQuery for conditional logic.


  • IF(expr, true_result, else_result):
  • expr: saleAmount> 100: This is the condition being evaluated. It checks if the total_amount is greater than $100.
  • true_result: saleAmount* 0.90 : This is the result if the condition is true. If total_amount is more than $100, it calculates a new total by applying a 10% discount.
  • else_result: saleAmount : This is the result if the condition is false. If total_amount does not exceed $100, it remains unchanged.

This example demonstrates how the IF function can simplify conditional logic in SQL, making it easier to apply discounts, perform checks, or modify data based on specific conditions.


The IFNULL function in BigQuery is a practical tool for handling null values within datasets. It checks if an expression is null and returns a specified replacement value if true, otherwise, it returns the expression itself. This function is particularly useful in data cleansing and preparation, ensuring that data analytics and reporting processes are not disrupted by missing values.

IFNULL helps maintain data quality, simplifies SQL queries by avoiding lengthy null-checking code, and ensures consistent data output for better decision-making.

Syntax of IFNULL

IFNULL(expr, null_result)


  • expr: This is the expression to be evaluated. It can be any expression that might result in a NULL value.
  • null_result: This is the value to be returned if expr evaluates to NULL.

Example of IFNULL

In this example, we are trying to identify a default email address when an employee's email is missing with IFNULL.

  IFNULL(email, '') 
  AS email
FROM employees;
Use of the IFNULL function in BigQuery to handle NULL values and substitute defaults.


  • expr: email: This is the expression being evaluated. In this case, it's the email column of each employee.
  • null_result: '': This is the value to be returned if the email expression evaluates to NULL. If an employee's email is not available, '' will be displayed instead.

This example demonstrates how the IFNULL function can be used to provide default values for NULL entries, ensuring that the output remains useful and informative, even when some data is missing. It's a simple yet powerful tool for data cleansing and preparation in SQL queries.


The NULLIF function in BigQuery is designed for conditional data handling. It compares two expressions and returns null if they are equal; otherwise, it returns the first expression.

This function is particularly valuable in scenarios where zero values may skew analysis or when you need to prevent division by zero errors. It simplifies query logic by eliminating the need for complex conditional statements.

The benefits of using NULLIF include cleaner data sets, more accurate calculations, and improved query efficiency by avoiding unnecessary processing of equivalent values.

Syntax of NULLIF

NULLIF(expression1, expression2)


  • expression1: The first expression to be evaluated.
  • expression2: The second expression is compared against the first.
  • If expression1 equals expression2: The function returns null; otherwise, it returns expression1.

Example of NULLIF

In this example, NULLIF is used to handle zero values in the price data of a product sales database. It substitutes zeros with NULL, which can help in accurately calculating metrics like average prices, by excluding zero values that may represent promotional giveaways, data entry errors, or unpriced items.

 NULLIF(sales_amount, 0) AS valid_amount
Applying the NULLIF function in BigQuery to handle conditional logic and return NULL if values match.


  • product_id: The unique identifier for each product.
  • sales_amount: The amount of the product being evaluated.
  • valid_amount: A new column that contains null if the amount is zero, ensuring calculations like unit pricing avoid division by zero.

This example demonstrates how NULLIF can be effectively utilized to address common data issues such as zero values in financial records. By replacing zero prices with null, it prevents potential errors in subsequent calculations that involve these prices, such as computing averages or unit costs.

Advanced Conditional Techniques to Use in BigQuery

Advanced conditional techniques in BigQuery allow for precise handling of complex data scenarios through dynamic grouping, sophisticated date comparisons, and strategic merging. These methods modify data analysis quality and depth, enabling optimized queries and improved decision-making processes.

Using Group By / Aggregate by a CASE function

Grouping and aggregating data by a CASE function in BigQuery allows for dynamic segmentation. This enables analysts to categorize records into meaningful groups before applying aggregate functions like count, average, or sum. This approach is invaluable when analyzing subsets of data based on variable conditions, offering clarity and tailored insights into large datasets.


In this example, we are using GROUP BY to segment a population into age groups and analyze demographic and economic data accordingly.

 WHEN age < 18 THEN 'Minor'
 WHEN age BETWEEN 18 AND 65 THEN 'Adult'
 ELSE 'Senior'
 END AS Age_Group,
 COUNT(*) AS Total_Population,
 AVG(salary) AS Average_Income
GROUP BY Age_Group;
Aggregating data using the CASE function with GROUP BY in BigQuery.


  • CASE Statement: This is a conditional expression used to assign each record in the dataset to a category based on the age field.
  • WHEN age < 18 THEN 'Minor': If the age is less than 18, the record is labeled as 'Minor'.
  • WHEN age BETWEEN 18 AND 65 THEN 'Adult': If the age is between 18 and 65, inclusive, the record is labeled as 'Adult'.
  • ELSE 'Senior': If the age does not fit into the previous categories (i.e., greater than 65), the record is labeled as 'Senior'.
  • The result of this CASE expression is stored in a new column called Age_Group.
  • COUNT(*) AS Total_Population: This function counts all records within each age group. It provides the total number of people in each category defined by the CASE statement.
  • AVG(salary) AS Average_Income: This function calculates the average income for each age group. It provides insight into the economic status of each age category.
  • FROM census_data: This specifies the dataset (or table) that the query is using, in this case, census_data.
  • GROUP BY Age_Group: This clause groups the results by the categories defined in the Age_Group column created by the CASE statement. It ensures that the COUNT and AVG functions are calculated for each group separately.

This query structure allows for detailed analysis of demographic and economic data by age group, helping organizations or researchers tailor their strategies or understandings to specific population segments.

💡If you want to learn how to perform operations across multiple rows of data in BigQuery, read our latest guide to explore the syntax, usage, and practical examples for Aggregate Functions.

Comparing Dates using a CASE Statement

Using a CASE statement to compare dates in BigQuery helps assess timelines or durations directly within SQL queries. This technique can delineate records into time-based categories, particularly beneficial for trend analysis or time-sensitive decision-making.


In this example, we are comparing dates to classify orders by age, distinguishing between recent and older orders.

 WHEN order_date < CURRENT_DATE() - 
   INTERVAL 30 DAY THEN 'Older than 30 days'
 ELSE 'Within last 30 days'
 END AS Order_Age
Using a CASE statement to compare dates in BigQuery.


  • CASE Statement: This is a conditional expression used to evaluate each order's date and categorize it.
  • WHEN order_date < CURRENT_DATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY THEN 'Older than 30 days': If the order date is more than 30 days older than the current date, the order is labeled as 'Older than 30 days'.
  • ELSE 'Within last 30 days': If the order date does not meet the above condition, it is labeled as 'Within last 30 days'.
  • The result of this CASE expression is stored in a new column called Order_Age.
  • FROM orders: Specifies the dataset (or table) that the query is using, which is the orders table.

This query helps quickly identify recent versus older orders by categorizing them based on how long ago they were placed relative to the current date.

Comparing Strings ignoring CASE

Comparing strings in SQL without considering case sensitivity ensures accurate data retrieval and management, especially when dealing with user inputs that may vary in case format. This approach is crucial for systems where consistency in data representation is required.


In this example, we are matching usernames regardless of capitalization differences by comparing strings.

FROM Users
WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('Nike Smit');
Comparing strings in BigQuery using the CASE statement while ignoring case sensitivity.


  • SELECT *: This command retrieves all columns for each record in the dataset that matches the query conditions.
  • FROM Users: This indicates the dataset (or table) that the query is using, in this case, the Users table.
  • WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER('JohnSmith'):
    • LOWER(name): This function converts the username column values to lowercase. It's used to standardize the input data for case-insensitive comparison.
    • LOWER('Nike Smit'): Also converts the input string 'JohnSmith' to lowercase to match the username in a case-insensitive manner.
    • The result of this operation determines whether the username field matches the specified string 'JohnSmith', ignoring any case differences.

This query is specifically designed to find user records where the username matches 'JohnSmith', ensuring that the search is not affected by how the username's capitalization was initially entered into the system.

💡If you want to learn how to manipulate and analyze text data in BigQuery, read our latest guide to explore the syntax, usage, and practical examples for String Functions.

JOIN 2 Tables with COALESCE

Joining two tables with COALESCE in BigQuery ensures that no data is lost due to null values, providing a complete dataset for analysis. This is essential when combining data from multiple sources, where some fields may be incomplete.


In this example, we are consolidating order addresses by prioritizing shipping over billing addresses when available, by joining the tables.

 COALESCE(b.shipping_address, a.billing_address) 
 AS address
 orders AS a
shipping_info AS b 
ON a.transaction_id = b.transaction_id;
Using the COALESCE function to join two tables in BigQuery while handling NULL values.


  • COALESCE(b.shipping_address, a.billing_address) AS address: If b.shipping_address is not null, it uses this address; otherwise, it defaults to a.billing_address. The result is stored in a new column called address.
  • FROM orders a: Specifies the primary table, orders, which is aliased as a. This alias helps to reference the table more succinctly in other parts of the query.
  • LEFT JOIN shipping_info b: Joins the orders table with the shipping_info table, aliased as b. A LEFT JOIN ensures that all records from the orders table are included, even if there is no corresponding record in shipping_info.
  • ON a.transaction_id = b.transaction_id: This condition links the two tables using the order_id field. It ensures that the data combined in the output corresponds to the same order in both tables.

This query is particularly useful for consolidating order information from separate tables into a comprehensive view that includes both billing and shipping addresses. It emphasizes ensuring data completeness even if some shipping details are missing.

IFNULL() Technique: Default Value Substitution

The IFNULL() technique substitutes default values for nulls in data queries, which helps maintain consistency in datasets, especially when dealing with optional or incomplete data fields.


In this SQL query, the IFNULL function is used to address potential null values in the phone_number column of an employees table. The function checks each entry in the phone_number column and uses the IFNULL function to substitute a default value when necessary. If the phone_number field contains a NULL value (indicating no phone number is recorded for an employee), the query substitutes it with the string 'No Phone Number'.

 IFNULL(phone_number, 'No Phone Number') 
 AS contact_number
Using the IFNULL function in BigQuery to substitute a default value when encountering NULL.


  • IFNULL(phone_number, 'No Phone Number') AS contact_number: If the phone_number is null, the record is labeled 'No Phone Number'. Otherwise, the actual phone number is displayed. The result of this expression is stored in a new column called contact_number.
  • SELECT employee_id: This command retrieves the employee_id for each employee in the dataset.
  • FROM employees: This specifies the dataset (or table) that the query is using, in this case, the employees table.

This query is particularly useful for generating a comprehensive contact list of employees that includes all employee IDs and their corresponding contact numbers, ensuring that even in the absence of a phone number, the dataset remains complete and clear by displaying 'No Phone Number'.

NULLIF() Technique: Conditional Null Handling

The NULLIF() technique in BigQuery selectively ignores certain values during data processing, such as zero values that might skew averages or other calculations.


In this SQL query, the NULLIF function is used to specifically address the presence of zero values in the price column of the product_catalog table. Here’s what the query accomplishes.

 NULLIF(price, 0) AS adjusted_price
Using the NULLIF function in BigQuery for conditional null handling.


  • NULLIF(price, 0) AS adjusted_price: If the price is 0, this expression converts it to NULL. Otherwise, it retains the actual price value. The result of this NULLIF expression is stored in a new column called adjusted_price.
  • SELECT product_id, price: These commands retrieve the product_id and price for each product in the dataset.
  • FROM product_catalog: This specifies the dataset (or table) that the query is using, in this case, the product_catalog table.

This query is particularly useful for managing product catalog data where zero prices might need special handling, such as excluding them from average calculations or financial summaries, by effectively treating them as non-existent values.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Using conditional expressions in data analysis can be highly effective, but also prone to certain pitfalls. Common issues include logical errors, performance inefficiencies, and unexpected outcomes. This section explores common challenges and provides strategies for avoiding these pitfalls.

COALESCE Function Signature Issues in BigQuery

Utilizing the COALESCE function in BigQuery is essential for effectively handling NULL values by returning the first non-null value from a list of arguments. It is crucial to ensure that all arguments are of compatible types to avoid errors.

⚠️ Error

The COALESCE function in BigQuery may produce errors when it receives arguments of mismatched data types. This happens because BigQuery expects all inputs within the COALESCE function to be of the same type or at least coercive to a common type to ensure that any returned argument is valid.


If you attempt to use COALESCE with different data types, such as an integer and a string, BigQuery will return an error.


✅ Solution

To address these signature issues, make sure that all parameters passed to the COALESCE function are of compatible types. If there are type differences, employ the CAST function to convert the arguments to a uniform data type explicitly:


Type Mismatch in CASE Statements

Handling type mismatches in CASE statements in BigQuery is crucial to avoid runtime errors. This error arises when different branches of a CASE statement yield values of incompatible data types.

⚠️ Error

Type mismatches in CASE statements in BigQuery manifest when different THEN clauses yield values that do not share a compatible data type, such as combining strings and numbers in the same CASE statement. BigQuery requires all expressions within a CASE statement to be of the same type, or at least coercive to a common type.


Consider a CASE statement designed to return either a string or a number based on certain conditions that BigQuery cannot automatically resolve:

 WHEN condition1 THEN 'Text'
 WHEN condition2 THEN 123

This query will fail because it attempts to mix data types within the CASE statement.

✅ Solution

To correct type mismatches in CASE statements, ensure that all outputs from the THEN clauses are explicitly converted to the same data type using the CAST function.

 WHEN condition1 THEN CAST('Text' AS STRING)
 WHEN condition2 THEN CAST(123 AS STRING)

Mixed Type Returns in CASE Expressions

Mixed type returns in CASE expressions in BigQuery can lead to errors when different branches yield outputs of varying data types. BigQuery requires consistent data types across all output branches of a CASE statement.

⚠️ Error

In BigQuery, errors in CASE expressions arise when outputs involve mixed data types, such as a string in one branch and an integer in another. This inconsistency between return types can cause the query to fail because BigQuery cannot reconcile the different data types automatically.


For instance, a CASE expression might be used to determine a status or a numerical code based on certain conditions, potentially causing type mismatches.

 WHEN status = 'active' THEN 'Active'
 WHEN status = 'expired' THEN 0 

This mix of strings and integers leads to execution errors.

✅ Solution

To prevent errors related to mixed-type returns, standardize the data type of all outputs in the CASE expression using the CAST function:

 WHEN status = 'active' THEN 'Active'
 WHEN status = 'expired' THEN CAST(0 AS STRING)

Could Not Cast Literal to Type DATE

When working with date types in BigQuery, errors can arise if literals are not correctly formatted for casting to DATE.

⚠️ Error

This error occurs when a literal intended conversion to DATE type does not match an acceptable format, leading to a casting failure. Commonly, this issue surfaces when the literal's format deviates from the required 'YYYY-MM-DD' structure or other recognized date formats in BigQuery.


An error example would be attempting to cast a string that is not formatted as BigQuery expects for dates:

SELECT CAST('20210525' AS DATE);

The string '20210525' lacks the necessary delimiters and order expected for a DATE type, resulting in a casting error.

✅ Solution

To correct this casting issue, ensure the date literals are correctly formatted. Use BigQuery functions such as PARSE_DATE and FORMAT_DATE to adjust and validate the format before casting:

 PARSE_DATE('%Y%m%d', '20210525')) 

This approach ensures the string is first parsed and then formatted into a valid DATE type.

No Matching Signature for Function IF

When working with the IF function in BigQuery, encountering a "No Matching Signature for Function IF" error typically indicates a misuse of the function's first argument.

⚠️ Error

This error occurs when the first argument of the IF function is not a Boolean. In BigQuery, the IF function must begin with a Boolean expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. If the first argument fails to meet this criterion, BigQuery cannot execute the function as expected.


An example of this issue is when a non-Boolean expression is mistakenly used as the first argument of the IF function:

SELECT IF('Yes', 10, 20);

This will lead to an error because 'Yes' does not evaluate to TRUE or FALSE.

✅ Solution

To correct this issue, revise the first argument to ensure it is a Boolean condition. This may involve modifying the expression or applying logical operators to achieve a Boolean result.

SELECT IF(status = 'active', 10, 20);

This adjustment ensures the IF function's first argument is a proper Boolean, resolving the error.

Boost Your Expertise with These BigQuery Functions

BigQuery offers a comprehensive range of functions that can greatly enhance your capability to manage and manipulate date and time data. By mastering these functions, you can streamline your workflows and optimize your data processing tasks.

  • Navigation Functions: These functions help to navigate through timestamps, such as finding the next or previous timestamp, or calculating the difference between timestamps.
  • Conversion Functions:: Since timestamps often need to be converted between different formats or types, including functions for converting strings to timestamps, timestamps to dates, etc., is crucial.
  • DML Functions:: Data Manipulation Language (DML) functions allow you to insert, update, and delete data, which is essential for maintaining and adjusting your timestamp data.
  • Array Functions: : Arrays are often used to store multiple timestamp values, and array functions help in manipulating these collections effectively.
  • Numbering Functions:: These functions, such as ROW_NUMBER, can be used to assign unique identifiers to rows based on timestamp data, which is useful for ranking and ordering.

Best Practices to Apply for Conditional Expressions

When using conditional expressions in SQL queries within BigQuery, it is crucial to ensure clear and correct logic that accurately reflects intended business rules and data requirements. Consistency in data types across all possible outcomes of these expressions is vital to prevent errors and ensure smooth execution. Let's break down these practices with simple examples to make them easy to understand.

Use NULL-Safe Operators

Employing NULL-safe operators like IS NOT DISTINCT FROM ensures that your SQL queries return meaningful and correct outcomes even when facing NULL values. This is crucial for maintaining data accuracy and integrity, particularly in data analysis involving potential NULL entries.


Using the IS NOT DISTINCT FROM operator in comparison allows both operands to be treated as equivalent when they are NULL or when they are identical, thus accounting for NULL values seamlessly.

FROM customer_data
WHERE customer_id 
IS NOT DISTINCT FROM potential_duplicate_id;

This method ensures that NULL values do not disrupt the logic of your comparisons.

Optimize Performance with Indexes and Partitions

Utilizing partitions and clustering in BigQuery is essential for managing large datasets efficiently, ensuring quicker query responses and reduced operational costs. This method is particularly effective for datasets where queries frequently target specific time ranges or categories.


By partitioning a sales record table by 'sale_date', queries filtering for sales within a particular month will only process data from the relevant partitions, thus optimizing performance.

FROM sales_data
WHERE sale_date 
BETWEEN '2022-01-01' AND '2022-01-31';

This query demonstrates the efficiency gained from partitioning, as it only interacts with data from the specified date range.

Ensure Type Consistency in Expressions

Using consistent data types across all parts of a query, especially within conditional expressions, prevents BigQuery from performing implicit type conversions. If not managed correctly, these conversions can slow down query processing and potentially lead to errors.


In this example of performing operations or comparisons, you can match the data types explicitly defined in your table schemas.

FROM inventory
WHERE item_count = 50;

This approach ensures that the data type of the 'item_count' column (INTEGER) is directly compared to an integer literal, maintaining type consistency.

Optimize Query Performance: Control Projection

Effectively managing data projection in your BigQuery queries by targeting only the necessary columns in your queries prevents the system from unnecessarily processing irrelevant data. This approach focuses on minimizing the volume of data scanned during query execution, thereby improving response times and reducing costs.


Instead of using SELECT *, which scans all columns, you can specify only the columns that are directly relevant to your analysis like the following example.

SELECT customer_id, transaction_total
FROM sales_data;

This practice limits the data load to just the essential information, avoiding the overhead associated with reading unneeded columns.

Reduce Data Before JOIN

Trimming down data before initiating JOINs or incorporating complex conditional expressions like CASE or IF is essential. This practice minimizes data shuffling across systems, which is particularly beneficial for improving communication throughput and overall query speed.


Consider a scenario where you need to join two large datasets, sales, and inventory data, but only for the current year. By filtering each dataset for the current year's records before performing the JOIN, you significantly reduce the volume of data involved:

SELECT a.product_id, a.sales_amount, b.stock_level
 SELECT product_id, sales_amount
 FROM sales_data
 WHERE sale_year = 2023
) AS a
 SELECT product_id, stock_level
 FROM inventory_data
 WHERE inventory_year = 2023
) AS b
ON a.product_id = b.product_id;

This approach ensures that the JOIN operation and any subsequent conditional logic are applied only to the necessary subset of data.

Unlock Powerful Insights: Get Started with OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets

Boost your data analytics capabilities with the OWOX Reports Extension for Google Sheets. This indispensable tool facilitates an easy integration between BigQuery and Google Sheets, providing a straightforward platform for your team to pull and analyze data effortlessly.

It enables even non-technical users to engage with complex datasets, create automated reports, and derive actionable insights directly within Google Sheets. Simplify your approach to big data and empower your team to make informed business decisions more effectively. Start using the OWOX Reports today and transform how you interact with your data.


What are Conditional Expressions in BigQuery?
How do CASE Expressions Work in BigQuery?
When to Use COALESCE in BigQuery?
What is the Syntax and Usage of IF in BigQuery?
How do IFNULL and NULLIF Differ in BigQuery?
What Are Advanced Conditional Techniques in BigQuery?
Why Might COALESCE Function Encounter Signature Issues in BigQuery?
What Are the Potential Impacts of Type Mismatch in CASE Statements?

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